The F-Word: We Need Robin Hood — Not Cuts in Food Stamps!


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Oh brother, a whopping $36 cut is catastrophic? I tell you right now. Basic budgeting and finance classes should be required for all welfare recipients.
the sociopathic party.

where the heck do they think they are going to get new voters from?
Oh brother, a whopping $36 cut is catastrophic? I tell you right now. Basic budgeting and finance classes should be required for all welfare recipients.
But then again, this ghetto and trailer trash are too dumb to comprehend what a budget even is. This is why they vote Democrat. To get as much "free" stuff as possible.
man does this boris fuck HATE Americans.

he only feels better about it when he dreams of sucking off Hitler
But then again, this ghetto and trailer trash are too dumb to comprehend what a budget even is. This is why they vote Democrat. To get as much "free" stuff as possible.
You need to budget a cut for your Mullette. Gator boy
Dems are richer than republicans, you white trash wife beater