split personality (noun)
1a: schizophrenia —not used technically b: multiple personality disorder —not used technically
2: a dual nature or character a city with a split personality
1a: schizophrenia —not used technically b: multiple personality disorder —not used technically
2: a dual nature or character a city with a split personality
Democrats always claimed their party was the Bar-None-Ranch —— room for everybody. In truth, the Democrat Party sought, encouraged, and protected every freak, every criminal, every pervert, every murderer, every baby butcher, and every traitor.
Most Americans know that Democrats gave the world non-existent racism, the myth of global warming, a one government world, and the Culture of Death to name a few of their contributions to civilization, but it was the way elected Democrats, federal bureaucrats, judges, and their media stooges murdered and profited from coronavirus that finally dragged the DNC’s darkest secret out of the basement and into the light of day —— THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES IS A PATHOLOGICAL DISORDER THAT CONFIRMS THE MOST STRINGENT CLINICAL DIAGNOSES.
Let me close with a few examples of split personalities in action after they have political power in their hands:
Kill the elderly because it is too expensive to let them live after they can no longer produce for the government. Keep the elderly alive as medical industry guinea pigs.
Forcibly vaccinate everybody for their own good. Only manufacture vaccines that kill and/or sterilize one in 5, or 4, or 3, or 2, or as many as the population control crowd determine is necessary to make a better world.
Open the borders for illegal aliens. Kill diseased immigrants; sterilize stoop labor immigrants so they cannot reproduce.
Funding abortion with tax dollars is a woman’s Right to choose. In addition to population controls, selling baby parts is Planned Parenthood’s Right to make money.
Bottom line: Analyze everything Democrats say and you will always find their conspiracy of death beneath the surface of their compassion.