The Cost of War: Interesting perspective

Well darn! They moved the page, or deleted it.

It showed about ten different things that the $465 Billion already spent on the Iraq war could have bought, including more than 1 year of Medicare for everyone, one year's tuition for every child in the US, the Boston Dig several times over, etc., etc., etc. It was interesting.

I wonder why it was removed? My search at the site turned up some articles from 2003 and this one was only a week ago.
Thanks, Damo. That gives the same info, you just have to click a few more times. It helps to bring the war cost right home in front of your face, I think.
I still think we should put a per barrel tax on oil imported form the ME to pay for the war. The war is to support ME oil supply so it is proper for that oil price to reflect it's true cost.
LOL...ya must ride a peddle bike...

I still think we should put a per barrel tax on oil imported form the ME to pay for the war. The war is to support ME oil supply so it is proper for that oil price to reflect it's true cost.

So ya want the oil companies to tax us $3.00 plus per gallon is not enough profit...get real cit...did ya not learn is not the 'real govt' that is the enemy it is the 'shadow govt' the research...and by the way both Dems and Repubs are one and the same...don't let the hype on both sides fool the Lt. you stated screwed ya ,well so are the rest...corporate America(let me rephrase that...World Bank)..sad but true!
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So ya want the oil companies to tax us $3.00 plus per gallon is not enough profit...get real cit...did ya not learn is not the 'real govt' that is the enemy it is the 'shadow govt' the research...and by the way both Dems and Repubs are one and the same...don't let the hype on both sides fool the Lt. you stated screwed ya ,well so are the rest...corporate America(let me rephrase that...World Bank)..sad but true!

My point is that it would more reflect the true cost of the oil and would end the war in short order.
Us. I think you actually had a good idea here. Probably wouldnt end the war, but it would fund it, and it would force the market to explore other energy sources.
I think it would end it , but reagardless the cost of the war would be put on the product it is "protecting" more reflecting the true cost of oil to consumers.

Why should the oil industry be "subsidized" by this war ? Oh it is like protecting US Rubber in Nam ?
the oil companies SHOULD be subsidized because you don't want $4 gallon or $10gallon market prices.:clink:

Yes we do. It would force us to develop other sources of energy, and it would force companies to allow telecommuting, which is totally possible now, but they don't do because they enjoy the element of physical control.

Let's get the grid on nuclear energy, and let people reap the benefits of our networked world, instead of pretending it's 1950.
I could so easily do my job at home... Telecommuting would be perfect.

Me too. I think he's right that far more people could telecommute than do, and that it's because of the control thing. My company would never allow it, and yet, other than obsessing over how long my lunch is, there really is no reason not to.
I'd even be willing to take a reasonable pay cut in order to telecommute. Consider what I would save on gas and dry-cleaning alone, and it would be well worth it. And I'd love to work from home. But it's not going to happen unless I build up enough of my own freelance work, which is exactly why I work so hard on that. So that I can control myself.