The 25th amendment in the news - countdown to Shamala

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

Today, Americans see a president who is clearly mentally diminished and is getting worse on a daily basis.

During the campaign, Biden refused to submit to a cognitive test. When asked by a black man if he would take a test, Biden snapped, “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on man, that’s like saying, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Biden's last medical report was issued in December of 2019. While his doctor, Kevin O’Connor of George Washington University, labeled Biden “vigorous” and fit to successfully perform as president, that view was not shared by other experts.

Dr. David Scheiner, the former personal physician for Barack Obama, reiterated a concern shared by many Americans, “I really think that he needs some type of cognitive testing before he takes over the reigns as our Commander-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, no such testing has been conducted in recent months.

In the background, smiling and waiting, is Shamala Hairless, a socialist with radical views. To bolster her position, she has the full support of former President Obama and his political entourage.

She knows that her ascendancy will come sooner rather than later.

Harris is biding her time, as the countdown has begun.
On his worst day, Joe Biden shows less cognitive dissonance than Trump on his best day. If you could TOLERATE Trump...don't worry about Joe Biden.

The government is in MUCH BETTER hands with Joe Biden in the Oval Office than if Trump were still sitting his fat ass there.
Trump Trump Trump

Biden is now president and Americans are being subjected to the uncertainty of a person with serious mental issues serving in the most important position in the world.

Ever since his inauguration, Biden has been making frequent misstatements and obvious gaffes.

The most recent episodes occurred on Friday. Earlier in the day, he forgot to put on a mask after finishing a speech.

Then, after a trip to Houston, TX, Biden made a series of troubling statements.

He referred to Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) as “Shirley.” Also, he mispronounced the name of Congresswoman Lizzie Pannill Fletcher (D-TX) twice.

After the mistakes, he asked, “What am I doing here?”
Nasty Nancy Pelosi’s decision to convene a committee last year to discuss the 25th amendment was about replacing Biden with Shamala Hairless. It looks like the DEMOCRATS are ready to depose the old man already.

Today, Americans see a president who is clearly mentally diminished and is getting worse on a daily basis.

During the campaign, Biden refused to submit to a cognitive test. When asked by a black man if he would take a test, Biden snapped, “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on man, that’s like saying, before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Biden's last medical report was issued in December of 2019. While his doctor, Kevin O’Connor of George Washington University, labeled Biden “vigorous” and fit to successfully perform as president, that view was not shared by other experts.

Dr. David Scheiner, the former personal physician for Barack Obama, reiterated a concern shared by many Americans, “I really think that he needs some type of cognitive testing before he takes over the reigns as our Commander-in-Chief.”

Unfortunately, no such testing has been conducted in recent months.

In the background, smiling and waiting, is Shamala Hairless, a socialist with radical views. To bolster her position, she has the full support of former President Obama and his political entourage.

She knows that her ascendancy will come sooner rather than later.

Harris is biding her time, as the countdown has begun.

Pretty funny, they just don’t get it, for nearly a year the right and Trump ran with the Biden is senile propaganda, and then Biden goes out and clobbers Trump, you’d think somewhere along the way they might realize no one outside the FOX bubble buys the portrayal
It is clear Biden is not up to the task he has been sworn in to do.

More at link:
It is clear Biden is not up to the task he has been sworn in to do.

More at link:

Clear only to those residing in the Fox Bubble, as we saw in the last election, the rest of America ain’t buying it

“Clear” only to those residing in the Fox Bubble, as we just saw last November, the rest of America never bought it
If Biden gives a State of the Union address sometime this March, it will be late, based on precedence, but still in accordance with an 87-year tradition.

All of which brings up the question: if Biden does not deliver or cannot deliver a State of the Union address, is he truly the president?

In 38 days, he has not held a full press conference.

Even Nancy Pelosi has known for quite a while that poor old Joe lacks the cognitive capability to handle the job.

So, the question arises, if Biden does not deliver a State of the Union address this March, or, let's say, even in February 2022, given that he lasts long enough, does anyone seriously believe he is the functioning president of the United States?
All Presidents haven’t given State of the Union addresses, and seems you will never get it, for nearly a year the right and Trump ran with the Biden is senile propaganda, and then Biden goes out and clobbers Trump, no one outside the FOX bubble it
All Presidents haven’t given State of the Union addresses

Nobody said they had.

After 1913, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th U.S. President, began the regular practice of delivering the address to Congress in person. Every president since Woodrow Wilson, with the exception of Herbert Hoover, has made at least one State of the Union speech delivered before a joint session of Congress. Before that time, most presidents delivered the State of the Union as a written report.
Biden stumbled upon the ultimate question that needs to be answered.

In his first two presidential campaigns, Biden was a stunning failure.

In 1988, he was forced out of the race after his repeated plagiarism was discovered.

In 2008, he bombed again as a presidential candidate, barely registering 1% support.

Biden was rescued politically when Obama chose him for the vice-presidential slot.

This selection was not made because of any great chemistry between the two men.

Obama chose Biden even though he made a stunningly racist comment.

Biden referred to Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.”

Biden was chosen because he was born in Pennsylvania and could theoretically appeal to white, working-class voters in the Rust Belt. During eight years on the same ticket, President Obama did not value Biden as a vice-president and never invited him to his personal quarters in the White House for a visit. Biden admitted this embarrassing fact in a recent CNN town hall meeting.

Obama held Biden in such low regard that he did not encourage him to run for president in 2016. Instead, he endorsed Hillary Clinton.

In the 2020 election, Obama only endorsed Biden when it was apparent to everyone that he would be the nominee.

Obama’s reluctance about Biden extended to many leaders in the DEMOCRAT Party. It was only after the surge of U.S. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the presidential primaries that DEMOCRATS decided to rally around Biden.

DEMOCRATS knew Sanders could not win and they reluctantly backed mentally-compromised Biden as their choice.
If Biden gives a State of the Union address sometime this March, it will be late, based on precedence, but still in accordance with an 87-year tradition.

All of which brings up the question: if Biden does not deliver or cannot deliver a State of the Union address, is he truly the president?

In 38 days, he has not held a full press conference.

Even Nancy Pelosi has known for quite a while that poor old Joe lacks the cognitive capability to handle the job.

So, the question arises, if Biden does not deliver a State of the Union address this March, or, let's say, even in February 2022, given that he lasts long enough, does anyone seriously believe he is the functioning president of the United States?

Another fact they just don’t get, he hasn’t “held a full press conference,” and he probably ain’t going to, unlike your Messiah, he doesn’t have the narcissistic need to make himself the center of attention 24/7, why Presidents have a press secretary
That’s a chuckle, Trump did a self serving press conference every time he stepped out of the White House, on his way to a plane or playing golf, had to, his whole existence depended on making himself the center of the media agenda daily

So you say, goalpost mover.

That's not what you claimed before.

Poor Anchovies.
Another fact they just don’t get, he hasn’t “held a full press conference,” and he probably ain’t going to, unlike your Messiah, he doesn’t have the narcissistic need to make himself the center of attention 24/7, why Presidents have a press secretary

Even you must choke on that bullshit, Arsecheese.
Who's Really In Charge?

Fake president Biden is now reportedly encouraging his illegitimate vice president to engage directly with world leaders — that supposed to be his job — and she's even developing her own rapport with our allies.

Shamala has also been meeting with fake Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

So the question is, why?

Biden is not up to the job.

He rarely appears in public, he takes very few questions, and runs from the tough ones.

He hasn’t even scheduled a joint session of Congress for the State of the Union address, and has held no press conferences.

We can all see with our own eyes that Joe is frail.

He is weak, and he’s struggling cognitively.

Even a few DEMOCRATS are trying to take away the nuclear codes from Joe Biden. So what’s really going on here? Who’s in charge?