Thanks uncle joe biter


Verified User
you killed up to 11,000 jobs on the pipeline and as many as 5000 on the wall , way to go joe.
O yes kerry the idiot said those jobs will be replaced by jobs building solar panels , well when is that going to happen joe ?
hnext week maybe or next year or in 5 years or never like all the one O bung hole promised with such company's SUCH AS with Solyndra. and will they pay 100,000 a year like those pipe line jobs . Way to go joe your amazing , whats next killing jobs in fracking and refinery jobs and coal mining jobs . Im sure you will do so not doubt in my mind about it

I know joe its awful that we are energy independent , but you will fix that wont you joey.

nothing like buy oil from and natural gas from the middle east and Russia hey Joe.

and last but not least I cant wait to see hoew your tax plan and min wage plan drive jobs overseas .

And you did all of this in the middle of a pandemic , AMAZING joe really Amazing .

O yes joe thanks for sending vaccine to gitmo terrorist much more important that they are safe and healthy

also I want to thank you for suspending deportation's of illegals with caravans on the way from south and central America during a pandemic so we can feed and provide medical care for them all. maybe you will give them all jobs also hey big biter.

not to mention the billions you just promised to central America what the hell we can afford it right big guy.

o yes joe I loved how you made it so men can compete in women a sporting events that's really fair not to mention them being able to go into women's bathrooms, im sure you and hunter both approve of that.

and you plan to fight covid is amazing a we cant do anything plan not exactly wht you claimed when running for office hey joe.

o yes you said you were going to cure cancer if elected when will that happen about the time all those jobs making solar panels happen possibly ?

lets not forget you plan to unite America when that one going to kick in ? maybe about the same time you unite America and cure cancer and create all that jobs in solar maybe ?

I cant wait till you remove sanctions on Iran and help out the biggest terrorist nation in the world , yes joe your full of surprises , No doubt the 3 stooges Pelosi aoc and Nalder all agreew with you . The big biter will go down in history jaut like the Nation will with you at the helm , way to joe joe
you killed up to 11,000 jobs on the pipeline and as many as 5000 on the wall , way to go joe.
O yes kerry the idiot said those jobs will be replaced by jobs building solar panels , well when is that going to happen joe ?
hnext week maybe or next year or in 5 years or never like all the one O bung hole promised with such company's SUCH AS with Solyndra. and will they pay 100,000 a year like those pipe line jobs . Way to go joe your amazing , whats next killing jobs in fracking and refinery jobs and coal mining jobs . Im sure you will do so not doubt in my mind about it

I know joe its awful that we are energy independent , but you will fix that wont you joey.

nothing like buy oil from and natural gas from the middle east and Russia hey Joe.

and last but not least I cant wait to see hoew your tax plan and min wage plan drive jobs overseas .

And you did all of this in the middle of a pandemic , AMAZING joe really Amazing .

O yes joe thanks for sending vaccine to gitmo terrorist much more important that they are safe and healthy

also I want to thank you for suspending deportation's of illegals with caravans on the way from south and central America during a pandemic so we can feed and provide medical care for them all. maybe you will give them all jobs also hey big biter.

not to mention the billions you just promised to central America what the hell we can afford it right big guy.

o yes joe I loved how you made it so men can compete in women a sporting events that's really fair not to mention them being able to go into women's bathrooms, im sure you and hunter both approve of that.

and you plan to fight covid is amazing a we cant do anything plan not exactly wht you claimed when running for office hey joe.

o yes you said you were going to cure cancer if elected when will that happen about the time all those jobs making solar panels happen possibly ?

lets not forget you plan to unite America when that one going to kick in ? maybe about the same time you unite America and cure cancer and create all that jobs in solar maybe ?

I cant wait till you remove sanctions on Iran and help out the biggest terrorist nation in the world , yes joe your full of surprises , No doubt the 3 stooges Pelosi aoc and Nalder all agreew with you . The big biter will go down in history jaut like the Nation will with you at the helm , way to joe joe

Your need to be a moron is breathtaking
Let me just stop this blowhard OP with some simple questions: How do you "kill jobs" that don't exist? Or were stopped do to no further funding? How do you feel about all the overseas "outsourcing" by jobs UNDER GOP PRESIDENTS AND CONGRESS done for YEARS AND CURRENTLY EXISTS? Why are you upset about our foreign purchase of oil and gas now when it's been going on since Nixon, Reagan, the Bush family and Trump? Is it only a problem when it was Carter or Clinton or Obama or Biden? And why weren't you upset at the lack of strategic planning to address Covid under Trump, yet that inheritence is Bidens fault? And did you know that the "caravans" have been happening for decades, but A RELATIVE FEW are actually granted asylum/entrance into the USA? And why are you carrying on as if Biden has been in office for 4 years rather than just under a week?

the country can't unite so long as right wingnut trolls like you, BulletBob, are still shooting blanks.
you killed up to 11,000 jobs on the pipeline and as many as 5000 on the wall , way to go joe.
O yes kerry the idiot said those jobs will be replaced by jobs building solar panels , well when is that going to happen joe ?
hnext week maybe or next year or in 5 years or never like all the one O bung hole promised with such company's SUCH AS with Solyndra. and will they pay 100,000 a year like those pipe line jobs . Way to go joe your amazing , whats next killing jobs in fracking and refinery jobs and coal mining jobs . Im sure you will do so not doubt in my mind about it

I know joe its awful that we are energy independent , but you will fix that wont you joey.

nothing like buy oil from and natural gas from the middle east and Russia hey Joe.

and last but not least I cant wait to see hoew your tax plan and min wage plan drive jobs overseas .

And you did all of this in the middle of a pandemic , AMAZING joe really Amazing .

O yes joe thanks for sending vaccine to gitmo terrorist much more important that they are safe and healthy

also I want to thank you for suspending deportation's of illegals with caravans on the way from south and central America during a pandemic so we can feed and provide medical care for them all. maybe you will give them all jobs also hey big biter.

not to mention the billions you just promised to central America what the hell we can afford it right big guy.

o yes joe I loved how you made it so men can compete in women a sporting events that's really fair not to mention them being able to go into women's bathrooms, im sure you and hunter both approve of that.

and you plan to fight covid is amazing a we cant do anything plan not exactly wht you claimed when running for office hey joe.

o yes you said you were going to cure cancer if elected when will that happen about the time all those jobs making solar panels happen possibly ?

lets not forget you plan to unite America when that one going to kick in ? maybe about the same time you unite America and cure cancer and create all that jobs in solar maybe ?

I cant wait till you remove sanctions on Iran and help out the biggest terrorist nation in the world , yes joe your full of surprises , No doubt the 3 stooges Pelosi aoc and Nalder all agreew with you . The big biter will go down in history jaut like the Nation will with you at the helm , way to joe joe

"I know joe its awful that we are energy independent , but you will fix that wont you joey'.

Energy independent? Nothing could be further from the truth.

Hopefully, Biden will reverse the teabagger law that was in a budget bill that teabaggers inserted a amendment lifting a US ban on exporting oil.

December 18 2015

President Obama signed the 2016 spending bill Friday, including a provision that would allow the export of U.S. crude for the first time in more than 40 years.

The bill passed through Congress quickly, with politicians eager to start their holiday vacations, even though some Democrats were upset it included the provision to lift the crude export ban.

The $1.1 trillion omnibus budget got President Obama's signature late afternoon Friday, even though he threatened to threatened to veto legislation lifting the ban.

'nothing like buy oil from and natural gas from the middle east and Russia hey Joe'.

Yeah, see above, moron, that was teabaggers, not Biden.

'and last but not least I cant wait to see hoew your tax plan and min wage plan drive jobs overseas".


Teabaggers screwed the pooch on that as well.

July 19 2012

Senate Republicans filibustered the Brings Jobs Home Act Thursday. The bill, which would eliminate incentives for companies to move jobs overseas and create incentives to bring jobs to the United States from overseas, was blocked by 42 Republicans.

Under current law, companies can deduct the cost of moving people and equipment overseas from their taxes. S. 3364 would have eliminated that deduction, and created a new 20 percent tax credit for all costs associated with moving overseas jobs back to America.

Teabaggers like to bring up Solyndra, because the government lost $528 million for that program but are completely silent on Dotard giving corporate farmers $48 BILLION bailout, that they never have to repay.
"I know joe its awful that we are energy independent , but you will fix that wont you joey'.

Energy independent? Nothing could be further from the truth.

Hopefully, Biden will reverse the teabagger law that was in a budget bill that teabaggers inserted a amendment lifting a US ban on exporting oil.

December 18 2015

President Obama signed the 2016 spending bill Friday, including a provision that would allow the export of U.S. crude for the first time in more than 40 years.

The bill passed through Congress quickly, with politicians eager to start their holiday vacations, even though some Democrats were upset it included the provision to lift the crude export ban.

The $1.1 trillion omnibus budget got President Obama's signature late afternoon Friday, even though he threatened to threatened to veto legislation lifting the ban.

'nothing like buy oil from and natural gas from the middle east and Russia hey Joe'.

Yeah, see above, moron, that was teabaggers, not Biden.

'and last but not least I cant wait to see hoew your tax plan and min wage plan drive jobs overseas".


Teabaggers screwed the pooch on that as well.

July 19 2012

Senate Republicans filibustered the Brings Jobs Home Act Thursday. The bill, which would eliminate incentives for companies to move jobs overseas and create incentives to bring jobs to the United States from overseas, was blocked by 42 Republicans.

Under current law, companies can deduct the cost of moving people and equipment overseas from their taxes. S. 3364 would have eliminated that deduction, and created a new 20 percent tax credit for all costs associated with moving overseas jobs back to America.

Teabaggers like to bring up Solyndra, because the government lost $528 million for that program but are completely silent on Dotard giving corporate farmers $48 BILLION bailout, that they never have to repay.

you might want to look at this for a bit we were exporting oil long before o bung hole signed anything
you killed up to 11,000 jobs on the pipeline and as many as 5000 on the wall , way to go joe.
O yes kerry the idiot said those jobs will be replaced by jobs building solar panels , well when is that going to happen joe ?
hnext week maybe or next year or in 5 years or never like all the one O bung hole promised with such company's SUCH AS with Solyndra. and will they pay 100,000 a year like those pipe line jobs . Way to go joe your amazing , whats next killing jobs in fracking and refinery jobs and coal mining jobs . Im sure you will do so not doubt in my mind about it

I know joe its awful that we are energy independent , but you will fix that wont you joey.

nothing like buy oil from and natural gas from the middle east and Russia hey Joe.

and last but not least I cant wait to see hoew your tax plan and min wage plan drive jobs overseas .

And you did all of this in the middle of a pandemic , AMAZING joe really Amazing .

O yes joe thanks for sending vaccine to gitmo terrorist much more important that they are safe and healthy

also I want to thank you for suspending deportation's of illegals with caravans on the way from south and central America during a pandemic so we can feed and provide medical care for them all. maybe you will give them all jobs also hey big biter.

not to mention the billions you just promised to central America what the hell we can afford it right big guy.

o yes joe I loved how you made it so men can compete in women a sporting events that's really fair not to mention them being able to go into women's bathrooms, im sure you and hunter both approve of that.

and you plan to fight covid is amazing a we cant do anything plan not exactly wht you claimed when running for office hey joe.

o yes you said you were going to cure cancer if elected when will that happen about the time all those jobs making solar panels happen possibly ?

lets not forget you plan to unite America when that one going to kick in ? maybe about the same time you unite America and cure cancer and create all that jobs in solar maybe ?

I cant wait till you remove sanctions on Iran and help out the biggest terrorist nation in the world , yes joe your full of surprises , No doubt the 3 stooges Pelosi aoc and Nalder all agreew with you . The big biter will go down in history jaut like the Nation will with you at the helm , way to joe joe

English translation: I prefer having a diseased, pigfucking orangutan in the Oval Office as it would more accurately represent the constituency here in Deliverance Country.
English translation: I prefer having a diseased, pigfucking orangutan in the Oval Office as it would more accurately represent the constituency here in Deliverance Country.

well your lucky you have joe biter in office and hes a mentally challenged pig fucker whos creepy and stupid and anti American
fact only in your drug addled delusion

well well lets see who right and whos the drug addicted delusional idiot shall we Katgar

As you can see they were sending vaccine to gitmo for terrorist but we republicans and some democrats raised hell stopping it

bullet bob 1 katzar 0

well well im right again bulletbob 2 dumb ass katzar 0

well welll b ulletbob was right again

bullet 3 dumb ass moron katzar 0

well well bullet bob 4 stupid bastard 0

well well he said there nothing we can do about covid a amazing plan hey katzar

bulletbob 5 idiot katzar the moron 0

as for the pipe line jobs

so it look like Im right again bullet bob 6 big mouth bastard democrat 0
kinda amazing isnt it .

seems Im right and yet again you made your self look like a idiot all by your self , and you did a proper job of it to if I say do my self a real bang up job by you

now as for the others we have to give joey time to cure cancer and develop all those high paying solar jobs so we cant judge those yet but I have my doubts

now katzar stick your head back up your ass or who ever ass you had it inserted in and go back to sleep like a good little retard

kinda looks lie your the delusional drug addicted idiot now, poor thing
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well well lets see who right and whos the drug addicted delusional idiot shall we Katgar

As you can see they were sending vaccine to gitmo for terrorist but we republicans and some democrats raised hell stopping it

bullet bob 1 katzar 0

well well im right again bulletbob 2 dumb ass katzar 0

well welll b ulletbob was right again

bullet 3 dumb ass moron katzar 0

well well bullet bob 4 stupid bastard 0

well well he said there nothing we can do about covid a amazing plan hey katzar

bulletbob 5 idiot katzar the moron 0

as for the pipe line jobs

so it look like Im right again bullet bob 6 big mouth bastard democrat 0
kinda amazing isnt it .

seems Im right and yet again you made your self look like a idiot all by your self , and you did a proper job of it to if I say do my self a real bang up job by you

now as for the others we have to give joey time to cure cancer and develop all those high paying solar jobs so we cant judge those yet but I have my doubts

now katzar stick your head back up your ass or who ever ass you had it inserted in and go back to sleep like a good little retard

kinda looks lie your the delusional drug addicted idiot now, poor thing

Again, some simple questions for the OP: How do you "kill jobs" that don't exist? Or were stopped do to no further funding? How do you feel about all the overseas "outsourcing" by jobs UNDER GOP PRESIDENTS AND CONGRESS done for YEARS AND CURRENTLY EXISTS? Why are you upset about our foreign purchase of oil and gas now when it's been going on since Nixon, Reagan, the Bush family and Trump? Is it only a problem when it was Carter or Clinton or Obama or Biden? And why weren't you upset at the lack of strategic planning to address Covid under Trump, yet that inheritence is Bidens fault? And did you know that the "caravans" have been happening for decades, but A RELATIVE FEW are actually granted asylum/entrance into the USA? And why are you carrying on as if Biden has been in office for 4 years rather than just under a week?

the country can't unite so long as right wingnut trolls like you, BulletBob, are still shooting blanks.