I find it bizarre the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists appear to have ceased with acts of violence against Christian Western world alliances almost the same time as this so-called "pandemic" Covid 19 started.
How considerate of them. The Police in UK. France. Australia and elsewhere are so busy beating up good citizens for not wearing a mask or visiting their neighbour or posting an anti government, anti PC comment you would think this a good time for the fundamentalists to take advantage.
Perhaps its because we have done the damage - shutting down democracy and basic freedom/rights - ourselves. (our own politicians).
We even cover our faces. LOL LOL
How considerate of them. The Police in UK. France. Australia and elsewhere are so busy beating up good citizens for not wearing a mask or visiting their neighbour or posting an anti government, anti PC comment you would think this a good time for the fundamentalists to take advantage.
Perhaps its because we have done the damage - shutting down democracy and basic freedom/rights - ourselves. (our own politicians).
We even cover our faces. LOL LOL