Texas Museum Puts Donald Trump Wax Statue in Storage Because People Kept Punching It


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Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.


[FONT=&]Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

[FONT=&]The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.


Good and that wax imagine of tRump looks nothing like the dried up Putin puppet fossil, except for that gullet that looks like a Stork pouch. Flunk tRump.
[FONT=&]Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

[FONT=&]The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.



Actually the atrocity should be melted down to come up with a more decent statue of a deserving and honorable person compared to a lawlessly hacked in 45 POS who among his sewer mob conspired to covid murder over 500,000 Americans and put the global markets chaos.
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Typical fucking violent leftists...

oooohhhhh..what a creampuff you are. crying about a wax figure of pear shaped chickenshit Trump being punched!!! Maybe if you let Trump grab your pussy without asking you will feel better!! Those mean old leftists!!
We need to figure out what part if any Hollywood has played in the promotion of this approval of violence that is eating America alive.
[FONT=&]Donald Trump’s detractors appear to be taking out their frustrations on a wax replica of the former president.

[FONT=&]The San Antonio Express-News reports that the replica had to be placed in storage after multiple visitors attacked it. The statue is located at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, a branch of the Ripley Entertainment Corp.



People? More like leftist sheep kept bleating at it!