Ted Cruz...just another lying Conservative


Well-known member
So yesterday he swore he'd keep speaking until he couldn't stand.

...turns out he was lying.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and some of his Republicans ended their filibuster-style speech Wednesday against Obamacare after more than 21 hours.

The tea party-backed Texas senator began speaking at 2:41 p.m. Tuesday and continued until shortly after noon Wednesday, in a speech that covered a wide range of unrelated topics, such as Dr. Seuss stories, Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” Toby Keith song lyrics and multiple references to an awards acceptance speech given by actor Ashton Kutcher.

He also compared Senate Republicans to the Rebel Alliance in the Star Wars movies and wondered whether a masked, Darth Vader-like figure would emerge to make disturbing comment to his closest Senate ally, Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee.

“Mike Lee, I am your father,” Cruz said, deepening his voice to deliver a variation on Vader’s signature line from the films.

The speech could not be officially considered a filibuster, however, because it did not delay Senate business.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said he and Cruz reached an agreement to allow the Republican first-term senator to speak before the Senate voted on a measure to keep the government funded after the fiscal year ends Monday.

Cruz acknowledged that Reid had the right to end his speech on the Senate floor, and he agreed to stop talking by noon.

As the hour neared, Reid offered to let Cruz and his Senate supporters continue talking until 1 p.m., when a cloture vote is scheduled on the government funding bill.

But Cruz stuck to his earlier agreement with the Senate’s top Democrat, perhaps because he had other plans.

According to RushLimbaugh.com, the Texas Republican was scheduled to appear at 1 p.m. on the prominent conservative’s radio program.

Cruz repeatedly referred to his speech as a “filibuster” during his appearance on Limbaugh’s show, and he complained about his Republican Senate colleagues “showboating” and making symbolic gestures for their constituents.

“We don’t even talk about how to win a fight,” Cruz said.

he is going to make bank on his Palin plan.

Lush Limpballs my grow to hate him when he steals listeners from him
Is Gitmo still open?
Has the deficit been cut in half?
Have 95% of us received tax cuts?
Have taxes been raised only on those making more than $250,000 a year?
Is the individual mandate unnecessary?
Have millions of new, good paying jobs been created?
Has Obama sat down Iran?
So yesterday he swore he'd keep speaking until he couldn't stand.

...turns out he was lying.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and some of his Republicans ended their filibuster-style speech Wednesday against Obamacare after more than 21 hours.

The tea party-backed Texas senator began speaking at 2:41 p.m. Tuesday and continued until shortly after noon Wednesday, in a speech that covered a wide range of unrelated topics, such as Dr. Seuss stories, Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” Toby Keith song lyrics and multiple references to an awards acceptance speech given by actor Ashton Kutcher.

He also compared Senate Republicans to the Rebel Alliance in the Star Wars movies and wondered whether a masked, Darth Vader-like figure would emerge to make disturbing comment to his closest Senate ally, Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee.

“Mike Lee, I am your father,” Cruz said, deepening his voice to deliver a variation on Vader’s signature line from the films.

The speech could not be officially considered a filibuster, however, because it did not delay Senate business.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said he and Cruz reached an agreement to allow the Republican first-term senator to speak before the Senate voted on a measure to keep the government funded after the fiscal year ends Monday.

Cruz acknowledged that Reid had the right to end his speech on the Senate floor, and he agreed to stop talking by noon.

As the hour neared, Reid offered to let Cruz and his Senate supporters continue talking until 1 p.m., when a cloture vote is scheduled on the government funding bill.

But Cruz stuck to his earlier agreement with the Senate’s top Democrat, perhaps because he had other plans.

According to RushLimbaugh.com, the Texas Republican was scheduled to appear at 1 p.m. on the prominent conservative’s radio program.

Cruz repeatedly referred to his speech as a “filibuster” during his appearance on Limbaugh’s show, and he complained about his Republican Senate colleagues “showboating” and making symbolic gestures for their constituents.

“We don’t even talk about how to win a fight,” Cruz said.


He read "Green Eggs and Ham"

Is that how he feels about the Affordable Healthcare Act? Once it is tried, it will be liked? Didn't he realize how the story ended? I don't get the purpose, maybe someone who understands his thinking can help me here.
Have income taxes been entirely eliminated for seniors earning less than $50K per year?
Did we get 5 days to look at the health care bill before he signed it?
Is this the most transparent administration in history?
Is it now impossible for Congressmen to slip pork barrel projects into bills?
Is every pork barrel project put on line?
Is he still against same sex marriage?
Can everyone who likes their health care plan still keep it?
Did we get back every dime we used to rescue the banks with interest?
Does anyone else hear that?

Here we are trying to discuss Ted Cruz and his lies, yet this annoying squeaking noise keeps threatening to distract from the topic of discussion.

I bet if we just ignore it, it will eventually just go away.
So yesterday he swore he'd keep speaking until he couldn't stand.

...turns out he was lying.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and some of his Republicans ended their filibuster-style speech Wednesday against Obamacare after more than 21 hours.

The tea party-backed Texas senator began speaking at 2:41 p.m. Tuesday and continued until shortly after noon Wednesday, in a speech that covered a wide range of unrelated topics, such as Dr. Seuss stories, Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” Toby Keith song lyrics and multiple references to an awards acceptance speech given by actor Ashton Kutcher.

He also compared Senate Republicans to the Rebel Alliance in the Star Wars movies and wondered whether a masked, Darth Vader-like figure would emerge to make disturbing comment to his closest Senate ally, Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee.

“Mike Lee, I am your father,” Cruz said, deepening his voice to deliver a variation on Vader’s signature line from the films.

The speech could not be officially considered a filibuster, however, because it did not delay Senate business.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said he and Cruz reached an agreement to allow the Republican first-term senator to speak before the Senate voted on a measure to keep the government funded after the fiscal year ends Monday.

Cruz acknowledged that Reid had the right to end his speech on the Senate floor, and he agreed to stop talking by noon.

As the hour neared, Reid offered to let Cruz and his Senate supporters continue talking until 1 p.m., when a cloture vote is scheduled on the government funding bill.

But Cruz stuck to his earlier agreement with the Senate’s top Democrat, perhaps because he had other plans.

According to RushLimbaugh.com, the Texas Republican was scheduled to appear at 1 p.m. on the prominent conservative’s radio program.

Cruz repeatedly referred to his speech as a “filibuster” during his appearance on Limbaugh’s show, and he complained about his Republican Senate colleagues “showboating” and making symbolic gestures for their constituents.

“We don’t even talk about how to win a fight,” Cruz said.


So he kept to his agreement with Reid and you call him a liar for it?
Was a red line crossed when chemical weapons were used in Syria?
Does a president still need Congressional authority to act militarily overseas?
Did a YouTube video cause the Benghazi uprising?
Is Al Qaeda still on the run (with weapons supplied by us)?
He read "Green Eggs and Ham"

Is that how he feels about the Affordable Healthcare Act? Once it is tried, it will be liked? Didn't he realize how the story ended? I don't get the purpose, maybe someone who understands his thinking can help me here.

Yeah, he really blew it trying to compare ACA to green eggs and ham. Bet he's never read a story to his kids in his life.
No lobbyists in his administration?
No more warrantless wiretaps?
Were Obamacare debates on C-Span as promised?
Employer health care costs going down 3000%?
Has he gone through the budgets, line-by-line, elminating waste?
Is Gitmo still open?
Has the deficit been cut in half?
Have 95% of us received tax cuts?
Have taxes been raised only on those making more than $250,000 a year?
Is the individual mandate unnecessary?
Have millions of new, good paying jobs been created?
Has Obama sat down Iran?

Doesn't matter..........win an election then we'll talk.
Have income taxes been entirely eliminated for seniors earning less than $50K per year?
Did we get 5 days to look at the health care bill before he signed it?
Is this the most transparent administration in history?
Is it now impossible for Congressmen to slip pork barrel projects into bills?
Is every pork barrel project put on line?
Is he still against same sex marriage?
Can everyone who likes their health care plan still keep it?
Did we get back every dime we used to rescue the banks with interest?

*Sigh*..................ok, i'll play, for the most part yes to all your talking points.