Teachers tell protesting unions to shove their dues and rules


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The Wisconsin school teachers protests and attempts to recall Gov. Walker resulted in not only losing the battle but instead helped to further new laws across the US that allow teachers to drop union membership. Now the National Education Association (NEA) and other teacher unions are seeing a decline of those willing fill the coffers of these organization.

As teachers began to look more critically at the NEA and their local, state and regional affiliates many were repelled by their unions being in bed with Democratic Party politicians. Many of them did not like the direction taken by those in control at the unions’ organizations.

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Looks like some of them stopped drinking the kool-aid and are waking up.

•Arizona 43.1 percent since 2008-2009 and 30% since 2011-2012.
•Arkansas 12.9 percent
•Georgia 13.6 percent
•Idaho losses 17.7 percent
•Indiana 12.9 percent
•North Carolina 25.5 percent
•Oklahoma 14.5 percent
•South Carolina 15.5 percent
•South Dakota 12.1 percent
•Tennessee losses by 14.4 percent
•West Virginia losses by 13.7 percent
•Wisconsin 21.2 percent since 2008-2009 with totals with 16.4 percent 2011-2012

Union membership is decreasing nationwide. The states above, cited by the (misleading) article, are notoriously anti-union and have enacted legislation to shutter unions.

Time to face the facts, guys. Without unions, our economy wouldn't have become the strongest in the world. Without teachers, our country wouldn't have become the strongest in the world. Minnesota and it's Governor Scott Walker, praised in the article, are now planning to extend their union-busting laws to the state's police and firefighters.

I guess that's ok with you guys, huh?

I truly miss the days when our teachers, policemen, firefighters, and medical professionals were honored by us, as opposed to deriled.

Remember 9-11?
Union membership is decreasing nationwide. The states above, cited by the (misleading) article, are notoriously anti-union and have enacted legislation to shutter unions.

Time to face the facts, guys. Without unions, our economy wouldn't have become the strongest in the world. Without teachers, our country wouldn't have become the strongest in the world. Minnesota and it's Governor Scott Walker, praised in the article, are now planning to extend their union-busting laws to the state's police and firefighters.

I guess that's ok with you guys, huh?

I truly miss the days when our teachers, policemen, firefighters, and medical professionals were honored by us, as opposed to deriled.

Remember 9-11?

there are less unions now because of racism.
Union membership is decreasing nationwide. The states above, cited by the (misleading) article, are notoriously anti-union and have enacted legislation to shutter unions.

Time to face the facts, guys. Without unions, our economy wouldn't have become the strongest in the world. Without teachers, our country wouldn't have become the strongest in the world. Minnesota and it's Governor Scott Walker, praised in the article, are now planning to extend their union-busting laws to the state's police and firefighters.

I guess that's ok with you guys, huh?

I truly miss the days when our teachers, policemen, firefighters, and medical professionals were honored by us, as opposed to deriled.

Remember 9-11?

So what is some of the anti-union legislation that was enacted whose intent is to shutter unions ?....

And what is being done in Minnesota that will extend union-busting laws ?

Put up or STFU.

Looks like some of them stopped drinking the kool-aid and are waking up.


"Don't drink the Kool-Aid=Don't listen to Left Wing information" Basic cult actions.

Just like everything else in life, a Union can have issues. As a citizen you have two choices. Get rid of the whole thing because it doesn't run perfectly. Or work to fix the problems. In my opinion, people who toss in the towl only because something is difficult are lazy cowards that don't want to think.