Teabagger Mother Goes Crazy!


What a nice way to treat an autistic child in the neighborhood! This bitch's own kids should be taken from her and she needs to be spayed.

Pretty sick, if true; police are investigating it. But it happened in Canada, so don't think there are teabaggers up there, but apparently they still have some idiots...


Ontario police are aware of a disgusting letter sent to a woman caring for an autistic child by another woman who wanted the "wild animal kid" out of her neighbourhood, even if it meant killing the child.
It figures. Another example of tea party members being blamed for something that they did not do. This is very typical and sad.
I find it hard to believe that this is a true story.

I am a little skeptical myself. It may have been done for sympathy, but there is no stereotypical scapegoat like in the pink head band story. The caps, pink stationary (if that is the original) and excessive use of punctuation may have been meant to typify the kinds of people the mother was lashing out at. But that's kind of nondescript. I really doubt it was another adult mother.

Still the ideas expressed are very utilitarian, like Mott's. :) ... There is no interest in the individual rights of the boy and it argues that the greatest good of the greatest number is superior.

More likely a liberal, they hate anything that does not conform to their values.

dear fucking idiot,

do you even KNOW the meaning of the world conservative?

conform .......conservative?

Its your party that is designed around NOT changing