Take The Vote, Take The Vote, Take The Vote!!!!!!!!

House member after house member after house member have been going to the podium on the floor of the house today demanding only that the vote be taken on the Senate bill. What do the teabaggers and John Boner have to say? No, No, Hell No!!!!!!! Just why are they so afraid of the vote representing the will of the majority of the house members? Up or down is all the people and the vast majority of the house are asking for. Anything else is totally irresponsible and derelict of duty.

LOL, they took the vote, and the 'Crats couldn't do it.

Saturday's Senate vote derailing the Democrats' debt-limit measure was a near party-line 53-45 in favor of the bill.

That fell seven short of the 60 required to overcome Republican objections to considering the measure.



LOL, they took the vote, and the 'Crats couldn't do it.

Saturday's Senate vote derailing the Democrats' debt-limit measure was a near party-line 53-45 in favor of the bill.

That fell seven short of the 60 required to overcome Republican objections to considering the measure.



Maybe you missed the transition but Obama isn't in the Senate anymore!
Democrats are the angry, impotent ones.

They failed in the House.

They failed in the Senate.

What will they try next? An Executive Order? The nuclear option?
Susan Collins proposal....., which has bipartisan support, offered a six-month extension of government funding and an increase in the government's borrowing limit through January. It was also calling for a two-year delay on Obamacare's medical device tax as well requiring income verification for Americans seeking subsidies for President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Rejected out of hand by Obama and Reid WITHOUT going to an up or down vote in the Senate.....

But you think the R's should just bow down and vote everything Reid sends them....how come ?

Why is the D's "my way or the highway" approach always ok with the pinheads....
the majority is supposed to get what it wants in a Democracy

Since Deshy is pretending she didn't already see this:

A Constitutional Republic is a form of government where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, representatives mandated to govern according to existing constitutional law.

It is because of this mandate that the elected class in a Constitutional Republic is limited in their power over the citizenry. The United States of America was created as and intended to survive as a Constitutional Republic.

Our Constitutional Republic is separated into three separate but equal branches of government; the Executive, Legislative and Judicial, represented by the Presidency, Congress and the Courts.

Because of this no branch has a rein on absolute power thus assuring that there will be checks and balances to the governmental system and protection for the rule of law.

Through the elected representation employed by our Constitutional Republic the influence of the majority is tempered by protections for individual rights as mandated by constitutional law.

Our form of government is deliberate in its attempt to thwart majoritarianism, thereby protecting political dissent and individuals and minority groups from the "tyranny of the majority" by placing checks on the power of the majority of the population.

The power of the majority of the people is checked by limiting that power to electing representatives who are required to legislate with limits of overarching constitutional law which a simple majority cannot modify.

Some continue to change the subject. The bill that counts right now is in the hands of House Majority Leader John Boner. Member after member after member is demanding an up or down vote. Immediately. As is Mr. Boner's habit and level of intelligence dictates for him, No, No, Hell No is all he can muster up for what he might call a credible answer to the demands. His position is in dire straits and he knows it. He should also realize that the teabaggers can't do anything to save him. A simple vote could only help him but like most rightwingnuts he's too damned stupid to understand or accept it.

House member after house member after house member have been going to the podium on the floor of the house today demanding only that the vote be taken on the Senate bill. What do the teabaggers and John Boner have to say? No, No, Hell No!!!!!!! Just why are they so afraid of the vote representing the will of the majority of the house members? Up or down is all the people and the vast majority of the house are asking for. Anything else is totally irresponsible and derelict of duty.


VN, do you have a link to that?

I assume my TP rep (McClintock) wasn't one of them if it did happen.
Hilarious, for the first time EVER, I got emails from my senator and representative, they are Marco Rubio and Nugent R fla.
The emails could be co mingled both said basically the same thing. IM HERE FOR YOU and I want to help, call me or write me anytime. I wonder why now ? <smirk>