Take the A train

Big Money

New member

The A train was stopped at 34th St. for 20 minutes to check on a man with a child who had been knocked out on the subway train seats since 207th St.

The A train is no place for catching Zs — especially if you’re baby-sitting.

Worried straphangers stared in disbelief early Saturday as a cuddly kid in a stroller was left unattended by a man who slept like a baby until cops woke him at W. 34th St.

The subway snoozer boarded the train at its first stop on 207th St. and Broadway. The unidentified man — a cigarette dangling from his lips — quickly spread out across three plastic seats and conked out.

“He was out cold,” said one fellow rider. “We didn’t know if he was in a coma, or dead, or just sleeping. Nobody wanted to touch him.”

The small child remained wide awake as the downtown train rolled through 20 stations and 173 blocks. A Daily News photographer on the same train snapped a picture of the pair.

The kid’s caretaker never opened his eyes until he was rousted around 12:30 a.m. by police in midtown, according to a witness.

Subway riders notified the conductor about the situation, and he summoned the cops.

The train was held in the station for about 10 minutes while police investigated, but the baby-sitter and the adorable infant were allowed to walk free, officials said.
