Syria 'welcomes' proposal to hand over control of chemical weapons

Your best response, and really your only response should be to laud praise on Obama if this leads to a successful outcome of preventing war. Can you do that at least? Obama and Putin initiated the talks between Kerry and Lavrov.
Poor Desh.

Poor Admiral Maineman.

Now their real agenda will have to be admitted.

No, not poor Desh this time. Poor warmongers on the right because this really does lay waste to 'their' plans for war. Now we will hear the real push for war and more of the phony motives. And of course we will hear some condemnation of Obama if he finds this an acceptable alternative.

Really just time for Desh to celebrate if she can be honest about it.
Fucking awesome

Obama sure knows how to play this huh?

hes going to get the chem weapons out of their hands.

Your best response, and really your only response should be to laud praise on Obama if this leads to a successful outcome of preventing war. Can you do that at least? Obama and Putin initiated the talks between Kerry and Lavrov.
Obama getting praised for this? Not likely from people who see him for what he is.

he has played this perfectly and is NOW going to secure the weapons hopefully.

Now what will the republican say?

Why would we take the option that would result in Assad with no chemical weapons to the one that would result in Assad with chemical weapons? I mean, we wouldn't get to blow shit up.
Your best response, and really your only response should be to laud praise on Obama if this leads to a successful outcome of preventing war. Can you do that at least? Obama and Putin initiated the talks between Kerry and Lavrov.

Horse shiite this is Putin making Obama look like a fool, also why would Assad care, he could just go dig up the ones transferred to him before operation Iraqi Freedom.

Seriously, if Obama is such a genius ,why didn't he come up with this Idea? Because his red line had been crossed! This at least averts war, never thought I would say this, thanks Russia for Bailing out Odumm uh!
Fucking awesome

Obama sure knows how to play this huh?

hes going to get the chem weapons out of their hands.


Obamma is getting it handed to him by Putin, how you spin this as a win I don't know, but at least it averts our soldiers from coming in harms way, for now.
No, not poor Desh this time. Poor warmongers on the right because this really does lay waste to 'their' plans for war. Now we will hear the real push for war and more of the phony motives. And of course we will hear some condemnation of Obama if he finds this an acceptable alternative.

Really just time for Desh to celebrate if she can be honest about it.

Uh Hey Monty Republicans were the ones saying we should stay out of it at least the intelligent ones (NOT BOehNER)
Horse shiite this is Putin making Obama look like a fool, also why would Assad care, he could just go dig up the ones transferred to him before operation Iraqi Freedom.

Seriously, if Obama is such a genius ,why didn't he come up with this Idea? Because his red line had been crossed! This at least averts war, never thought I would say this, thanks Russia for Bailing out Odumm uh!

Now you get some payback evince. This is soon going to turn into a push by the American right for war. Mark my words that it has to be that if Obama is accepting of this initiative. And oh how they will squirm if they can't put the blame on Obama!