Syria says it has agreed to allow the UN to chem attack site


100% recycled karma
Syrian state media says the government has reached an agreement with the United Nations to allow a U.N. team of experts to visit the site of last week’s alleged chemical weapons attack.

State TV also said in a statement Sunday that the two sides are working to set the date and time of the visit to the agreed upon locations outside Damascus purportedly hit by chemical agents on Aug. 22.
The purported chemical attack that activists say killed hundreds of civilians in rebel-held areas around Damascus took place on Wednesday, Aug. 21.

The discrepancy in the dates could not be immediately reconciled

breaking news. let's see if the proposed cruise missile attack, is put on hold
Video footage discovered, showing the Obama Regime delivering red-line ultimatums to the Assad Regime.

Oh well, apparently I need to make 5 posts before I can post a link. Anyway, I was going to link in video of Bugs Bunny repeatedly drawing a line in the sand with his foot to Yosemite Sam, daring him to step over it.... over and over, out of town, far into the dessert... anyway, it woulda been funny.

My first post and already this forum has annoyed me.
Video footage discovered, showing the Obama Regime delivering red-line ultimatums to the Assad Regime.

Oh well, apparently I need to make 5 posts before I can post a link. Anyway, I was going to link in video of Bugs Bunny repeatedly drawing a line in the sand with his foot to Yosemite Sam, daring him to step over it.... over and over, out of town, far into the dessert... anyway, it woulda been funny.

My first post and already this forum has annoyed me.

It's a feature to prevent adspam. No links or vids until you get a few posts in.
Video footage discovered, showing the Obama Regime delivering red-line ultimatums to the Assad Regime.

Oh well, apparently I need to make 5 posts before I can post a link. Anyway, I was going to link in video of Bugs Bunny repeatedly drawing a line in the sand with his foot to Yosemite Sam, daring him to step over it.... over and over, out of town, far into the dessert... anyway, it woulda been funny.

My first post and already this forum has annoyed me.

Do you mean this one??

Obama Aids see Kosovo as Precedent for Attacking Syria

Officials across NATO have been long trying to put together a war in Syria that would mirror the NATO attack on Libya
, in which regime change was imposed after a loophole in a UN Security Council resolution was used as an excuse for total war.

Russia’s been extremely sensitive about Syria resolutions specifically because of this, however, and the reality is that there isn’t going to be a UN resolution that remotely leaves open a loophole like that.
So now officials are turning to Kosovo as a “precedent.”

The 1999 Kosovo campaign was essentially a four month campaign of violations of the Geneva Conventions,
with NATO warplanes deliberately attacking sites like hospitals and schools on the grounds that they were “dual use” and could conceivably have been of value to the Yugoslav military.
The campaign also included the inexplicable bombing of the Chinese embassy.

The war ended with a protracted NATO-EU deployment in Kosovo, which continues to this day
, and the tiny Republic of Kosovo remains fiercely divided along racial lines,
and NATO troops imposing a blockade of ethnic Serbian villages that want to continue to trade with Serbs across the border.

As a practical matter, the precedent of the US attacking a nation without UN authorization could just as easily have been Iraq as Kosovo,
but Iraq was a recent enough disaster of a war that it would be rejected out of hand.
US Prepares "options" for Syrian response

Top lawmakers said the time has come for a U.S. military response, one of the options under review by a White House feeling new pressure to act on President Obama’s declaration that chemical weapons are a “red line” for the United States...

There is “very little doubt” that an attack took place, a U.S. official said, citing intelligence assessments and other findings that would be a first step to any military action or expansion of existing U.S. military and humanitarian assistance.

The senior administration official blamed the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and suggested that the Assad regime has deliberately tried to foil inspection by holding off inspectors for days while it continued to shell the affected area.

“At this juncture, the belated decision by the regime to grant access to the U.N. team is too late to be credible, including because the evidence available has been significantly corrupted,” the official said.

Discussions continue about the appropriate U.S. response, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to outline the initial findings.

Amid a buildup of U.S. military assets in the region, Obama was given a detailed review of options Saturday for responses that could include cruise missiles launched from U.S. warships.

No decisions were announced following an emergency White House meeting that included Vice President Biden and top defense, intelligence and diplomatic officials.

Obama “discussed possible responses” with French President François Hollande on Sunday, the White House said without elaboration. France’s foreign minister had said last week that the alleged gas attack should be met “with force.”

I changed the title to the OBVIOUS, The US War Machine is already in motion - nothing can stop Obomber now on his next jihad.

More "kinetic action" (phrase first used in Libya)