Sydney Leathers on Seducing a Politician and Maureen Dowd


Well-known member
Damn. This is just the beginning of the article.

I know a lot of people judge me (shout-out to MSNBC's Thomas Roberts who went on air and called me "batshit crazy"), but I don't think it is their right to judge -- just as it is not my right to judge them. We all have what we want to do in life and what our own personal standards are.

Why does having a sexting affair with a married man or even doing porn make someone a "bad person"? Give me a break. I'm not a war criminal. I'm a human being who has made certain choices, some of which involve my sexuality.

Yes, I've made thousands of dollars from sugar daddies.


I enjoy my sexuality, and it doesn't make me anything other than what I am: a young woman who's enjoying her life to the fullest and going on plenty of adventures with willing partners.

To Maureen Dowd and every other woman who thinks she knows anything about me -- or anything about feminism for that matter -- you don't.

For me, Anthony Weiner was a weird science experiment. I wanted to see how far it could go. How far could I push it? How long could it go on? Part of me wonders if his refusal to quit is his OWN science experiment.

Anthony says he hasn't been cheating on Huma for six months. Wrong. He last contacted me as recently as April 12. Straight up lies.
Well, Maureen Dowd knows nothing about feminism.

However that doesn't make this chick a feminist. I can't go to the link, the bragging about bagging married men is a bit sickening, but so far I don't see anything that makes her feminist. I guess she is positing that being confident in your sexuality and freely exploring it is feminist. Eh, perhaps. I don't think there's anything feminist about banging married men, but what do I know.
lol...I thought this meant she wanted to seduce Maureen Dowd.

That would truly make her batshit crazy.

I heard Thomas say that the other day and busted out laughing. Poor thing...he's usually so stoic.
lol...I thought this meant she wanted to seduce Maureen Dowd.

That would truly make her batshit crazy.

I heard Thomas say that the other day and busted out laughing. Poor thing...he's usually so stoic.

Yeah, I didn't write that headline very well. My fault on that one.
I read it. She knows almost as much about feminisn as Dowd does. Those two could have a real idiot-off.

She's also a very terrible person. Just a really bad person. Extremely manipulative. What a surprise that Weiner would send round his dick pics and dredge this up. I mean, I would think that's a great way to find a nice girl...
she sounds like a sociopath.

Yes Ive taken suger daddy money?

She has sex as a sport.

she has sex for financial gain.

She likely doesn't know how to love.

hense she sees sex as a endeavor not involving real human relations.
Why does having a sexting affair with a married man or even doing porn make someone a "bad person"? Give me a break. I'm not a war criminal. I'm a human being who has made certain choices, some of which involve my sexuality.

Yes, I've made thousands of dollars from sugar daddies.


Not one mention of a real human emotion
Why does having a sexting affair with a married man or even doing porn make someone a "bad person"? Give me a break. I'm not a war criminal. I'm a human being who has made certain choices, some of which involve my sexuality.

Yes, I've made thousands of dollars from sugar daddies.


Not one mention of a real human emotion

Yeah, I don't necessarily think those things make her a bad person, but that essay, well, it sounds to me as if a bad person authored it. I don't want to throw too much shade on her, who knows, she may have been sexually abused...something is very wrong there though. I don't know the last time I read so much manipulative shit in one place.
she doesn't see human emotion as a part of sex.


one in 100 people are are a female sociopath.

the other three in the 4 will be male sociopaths.

I think we should legalize prostitution and allow women like her to suck dick for a living like they feel qualified to do.
Ok, I couldn't read the whole thing...kind of skimmed the last half.

Now, this woman may be a feminist - she may be pro choice, equal pay for equal work, the whole nine yards.

She's also a manipulative sack of shit.

Feminism would say we should have the same standards for men and women - so if we don't call men who sleep around sluts, we shouldn't call women who sleep around sluts, for example.

But imagine this piece written by a man who had set out to seduce a woman - a boss, a co-worker, a bartender, whatever - and what would we think? the same thing evince, Darla and I are saying - this woman isn't normal.

She set out to seduce him "like a science experiment". She lied to him about what she was feeling, she deliberately wouldn't respond to him for a couple days ...I mean, this is the very sick side of all those dating manuals out there.

And sure she never hooked up with the man sending her $600...

Look, you want to earn money from sex? fine, do it. but don't call them sugar daddies -you're a prostitute. I don't have a problem with that, but be honest.

And you want to fuck around a lot? cool. Do it. But don't manipulate people like she did Weiner. That's just scummy behavior.

Now he didn't have to fall for it; he could have not sent the pics. But man, this woman is so sleazy she almost makes Weiner look good.

This again has nothing to do with feminism - she may be a feminist, she may not be. But she is NOT a "good" person.
she doesn't see human emotion as a part of sex.


one in 100 people are are a female sociopath.

the other three in the 4 will be male sociopaths.

I think we should legalize prostitution and allow women like her to suck dick for a living like they feel qualified to do.

You are a walking contradiction.

First you say she doesn't see human emotion as part of sex hen call her a sociopath.

Then you say prostitution should be legal. Talk about sex with no human emotion
Damn. This is just the beginning of the article.

I know a lot of people judge me (shout-out to MSNBC's Thomas Roberts who went on air and called me "batshit crazy"), but I don't think it is their right to judge -- just as it is not my right to judge them. We all have what we want to do in life and what our own personal standards are.

Why does having a sexting affair with a married man or even doing porn make someone a "bad person"? Give me a break. I'm not a war criminal. I'm a human being who has made certain choices, some of which involve my sexuality.

Yes, I've made thousands of dollars from sugar daddies.


I enjoy my sexuality, and it doesn't make me anything other than what I am: a young woman who's enjoying her life to the fullest and going on plenty of adventures with willing partners.

To Maureen Dowd and every other woman who thinks she knows anything about me -- or anything about feminism for that matter -- you don't.

For me, Anthony Weiner was a weird science experiment. I wanted to see how far it could go. How far could I push it? How long could it go on? Part of me wonders if his refusal to quit is his OWN science experiment.

Anthony says he hasn't been cheating on Huma for six months. Wrong. He last contacted me as recently as April 12. Straight up lies.
Seducing politicians? Big deal Wacko! Talk about shooting fish in a barrel. I can get all the republicans I want just by tapping some toes in a public restroom.
Well, Maureen Dowd knows nothing about feminism.

However that doesn't make this chick a feminist. I can't go to the link, the bragging about bagging married men is a bit sickening, but so far I don't see anything that makes her feminist. I guess she is positing that being confident in your sexuality and freely exploring it is feminist. Eh, perhaps. I don't think there's anything feminist about banging married men, but what do I know.
How about this feminist? I love Nina Hartley (Kim K has nothing on Nina's tushy!) both as a performer and an intellectual.
Weiner is done....too bad. I actually liked the guy as a politician. But if you can't ignore the trappings of fame and power and stay on the right side of ethical behavior...either in your public or private life....then you deserve neither fame or power.

I like Bill Clinton too....but what he did was wrong. In his case however, rank has its privileges and he has an incredibly pragmatic wife. If my wife was president and I was the "first man" and she was screwing around on me? I'd file for divorce right in the white house in a Press Conference.
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Weiner is done....too bad. I actually liked the guy as a politician. But if you can't ignore the trappings of fame and power and stay on the right side of ethical behavior...either in your public or private life....then you deserve neither fame or power.

I do like Weiner's politics. But to be caught twice in the same snafu - that's pretty stupid. Even if it's legal behavior, it's still stupid.

But the woman on the other end sounds even worse ethically than Weiner. Sad.

As Darla said, maybe there are abuse issues or something. But that doesn't excuse her nasty game.
ps- for those who say Weiner took her up on the game - yes, that was Weiner's issue. It was fault on his side. And he got caught.

But she can't control his behavior; as with all of us, she can only control her own. And she sure sounds like a double-crossing slimy unethical nasty woman. Don't know how she sleeps at night with that kind of behavior.
ps- for those who say Weiner took her up on the game - yes, that was Weiner's issue. It was fault on his side. And he got caught.

But she can't control his behavior; as with all of us, she can only control her own. And she sure sounds like a double-crossing slimy unethical nasty woman. Don't know how she sleeps at night with that kind of behavior.

But the onus of ethical behavior is not on's on him.....I mean, I agree....she's a scumbucket.....but she's not the one who is in the public eye.....other than this 15 minutes of fame, of course.
Damn. This is just the beginning of the article.

I know a lot of people judge me (shout-out to MSNBC's Thomas Roberts who went on air and called me "batshit crazy"), but I don't think it is their right to judge -- just as it is not my right to judge them. We all have what we want to do in life and what our own personal standards are.

Why does having a sexting affair with a married man or even doing porn make someone a "bad person"? Give me a break. I'm not a war criminal. I'm a human being who has made certain choices, some of which involve my sexuality.

Yes, I've made thousands of dollars from sugar daddies.


I enjoy my sexuality, and it doesn't make me anything other than what I am: a young woman who's enjoying her life to the fullest and going on plenty of adventures with willing partners.

To Maureen Dowd and every other woman who thinks she knows anything about me -- or anything about feminism for that matter -- you don't.

For me, Anthony Weiner was a weird science experiment. I wanted to see how far it could go. How far could I push it? How long could it go on? Part of me wonders if his refusal to quit is his OWN science experiment.

Anthony says he hasn't been cheating on Huma for six months. Wrong. He last contacted me as recently as April 12. Straight up lies.

I wouldn't mind but she is hardly a looker.

But the onus of ethical behavior is not on's on him.....I mean, I agree....she's a scumbucket.....but she's not the one who is in the public eye.....other than this 15 minutes of fame, of course.

Oh I agree. The onus is always on the actual married person. I do not blame the "other woman". But I don't celebrate anyone who brags about purposefully going after married people either.

The issue with this woman is that she has announced that "women who think you know something about feminisn - you don't". So I was waiting to be schooled on feminism.

Still trying to figure out where she schooled anyone. Or demonstrated any knowledge of feminism whatsoever. Or even expressed a feminist thought.