Swedish virus disaster looms.


Satire for Sanity
Lockdown surrender? Sweden warns of more restrictions, gears up to close restaurants & gyms


The Swedish government, which was previously reluctant to impose tough Covid-19 restrictions, has now proposed vastly expanding its lockdown powers, as the country warns of a third wave of infections.
“It could become necessary to close down parts of Swedish society,” Health Minister Lena Hallengren said at a press briefing, adding that there is “a tangible risk of a third wave of infection.”

“A third wave is underway in Europe. We have to be vigilant,” she said.

The statement came a day after Karin Tegmark Wisell, a senior official at the nation’s Public Health Agency, warned of a “very high number” of Covid-19 cases in Sweden.

More than 19,600 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded in the latest weekly report, published by the Swedish government on February 12.

The government already has powers to close down shopping malls. Officials now want to be able to close down all retailers, restaurants, gyms, hair salons, and swimming pools, and restrict the operations of amusement parks, zoos, museums, and art galleries. Under the plan, local authorities would be given powers to limit activities in public parks and bathhouses.


No more ' herd immunity ' horseshit then.
They should have listened to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission!

There’s still time to declare a hard border in Ireland or raid AstraZenica, that should do it.

Oh wait, she did that. Well, blame her underlings then.
Yeah to bad they are locking down.

Sure- but lockdowns work- provided the corporate demands to end them early are ignored.
The New Zealand/Australian reaction has been admirable. Trump and Boris Johnson in the UK are killers.
Sure- but lockdowns work- provided the corporate demands to end them early are ignored.
The New Zealand/Australian reaction has been admirable. Trump and Boris Johnson in the UK ought to be charged with manslaughter.

Why did you have to ruin a decent post with the last line? It makes you sound insane
Why did you have to ruin a decent post with the last line? It makes you sound insane

Those guilty fuckers shelter behind people too cowed to speak the truth. Both Trump and Johnson ignored the science and sent people out to die. Get real. What part of ' a half-million dead ' are you having problems with? In the military they'd face a Courts Martial.
Bolsonaro is another killer for corporate donors.
Those guilty fuckers shelter behind people too cowed to speak the truth. Both Trump and Johnson ignored the science and sent people out to die. Get real.

The same could be said for Gov Cuomo. BTW just being pissed off doesnt make you right or any less insane.
' Pissed off ' doesn't cover it. You even suggesting it ranks you with the meek apologists.

It doesn't matter what you are your hysteria is most unconvincing argument. Ad hominem attacks only make you look smaller. Rage on if you like but you have only my pity
It doesn't matter what you are your hysteria is most unconvincing argument. Ad hominem attacks only make you look smaller. Rage on if you like but you have only my pity

It isn't ' pity'- it's meek apologism . Trump and Johnson both sent people to their deaths. They won't face criminal charges- but that's because the meek make apologies for them. Others will ensure that they are punished in other ways.