Survey for politically interested Twitter users


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm currently writing my phd. The study is being conducted in the context of my dissertation. If you have a Twitter account it would be a great help if you may take part in the survey. If you are interested you will find the link on my twitter profile jana_254.

The goal of the questionnaire is to investigate personal behavior of politically interested people on Twitter. You will be asked several questions related to your demographics and your Twitter usage. Furthermore, an experiment will follow. You will see a Twitter page and be required to act as if you were on your Twitter account.

All in all, the survey should take approximately 30 minutes. In return for completing the questionnaire you can win a USD 300 voucher and receive the outcomes if you are interested.

When you don't have a Twitter account you could help by recommending the survey to acquaintances, friends or colleagues that might meet the criteria.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Tell us a bit more in a few more posts, anybody have questions for them so that they can gather enough posts to link us up to their survey? If there is interest, it shouldn't take too long.
Thanks a lot for your reply. Shure, I can tell a little bit more. As mentioned, my questionnaire contains an experiment. I'm very excited about this part of my survey. It cost me a lot of effort to program it in ruby on rails or actually learn ruby on rails while implementing the experiment. It shows a simulation of a Twitter page and every respondent actually can expand the tweets about politics and open the shown link, retweet or unretweet the Tweets, favorite or unfavorite them, reply to the Followee, who wrote the Tweet, follow or unfollow the listed accounts and even write own Tweets. Of course all the activities in the simulation will NOT affect the personal Twitter profile of the respondent. Everyone will be asked to act as if they were on their Twitter profile. Anonymity of every person and their answers or actions within the simulation is taken for granted. I will use them for research purposes only and looking forward to the results.
jana what does 9 + 3 +
= ?
It is funny: that although I will write my dissertation about my research, it is really hard to find more facts that I could tell without influencing my results.
Oh maybe one fact: I'm working nearly 1 and a half year on the questionnaire and it's implementation and I was so glad finally to sent it out and wait for the responses a week ago.