Sucks to be Canucks?

Big Money

New member
Canada slips to 6th on UN's latest 'World Happiness' ranking.

We ranked lower, but we have Obama. What's Canada's excuse?
Well it's certainly not something to be proud of is it!

And what was the US ranking? About 17th? Not good but not as bad as I would have expected. However, by all indications of Americans comments on boards such as this one and in other places, it appears that it could be rigged.

Is it possible that the Obama hate isn't as widespread as it appears? Are Americans happy enough to keep their country at 17th? Probably not.
The Canucks, Senators, and Canadiens all choked in the last NHL postseason. Wait until the Canucks come storming back next year to a Stanley Cup championship (they're a regional team, so I root for them).
The Canucks, Senators, and Canadiens all choked in the last NHL postseason. Wait until the Canucks come storming back next year to a Stanley Cup championship (they're a regional team, so I root for them).

Another couple of strikes against this forum. There's always some asshole around to spam the thread. And never a moderator to correct them for it.
Another couple of strikes against this forum. There's always some asshole around to spam the thread. And never a moderator to correct them for it.

Correcting someone for not breaking a rule boot? Why don't you start your own forum, since you know so much boot.
The Canucks, Senators, and Canadiens all choked in the last NHL postseason. Wait until the Canucks come storming back next year to a Stanley Cup championship (they're a regional team, so I root for them).

Sorry, this is the Wings season. We've waited long enough.