sucked into Syria (false flag?)


100% recycled karma
The timing and location of the reported chemical weapons use - just three days after the team of U.N. chemical experts checked in to a Damascus hotel a few km (miles) to the east at the start of their mission - was surprising.

"It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country," said Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat who headed a team of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in the 1990s.

"At the least, it wouldn't be very clever."

Ekeus said the mandate of the U.N. team was limited to three sites but could be amended to investigate fresh claims - which would be simpler to verify than the other months-old cases.

"It is easier to do sampling and testing, and also to look at the victims, if there are sick people or even dead people (on the scene). It is easier to get to doctors and get to the place where the event happened."

Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre, also said it made little sense for the Syrian government to use chemical agents now.

"Nonetheless, the Ghouta region (where the attacks were reported) is well known for its opposition leanings. Jabhat al-Nusra has had a long-time presence there and the region has borne the brunt of sustained military pressure for months now," he said, referring to a hardline Sunni Islamist rebel group allied to al Qaeda.

"While it is clearly impossible to confirm the chemical weapons claim, it is clear from videos uploaded by reliable accounts that a large number of people have died."
So let's see: an irrational act by a man who knows every act of his is under the interantional media microscope, and not just any act but the worst chemical weapons attack to date which would promptly force a "democratic" intervention into his country, or merely a false flag attack in which the so-called rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, are killing their own to pin the blame, and the international retaliation, on Assad?
One thing about the attack I find troubling is the apparent presence of two very different CW agents : Sarin (unconfirmed) and a second, un-named agent. (If you wade through the BBC reports, you'll see what I'm talking about: one agent causes pinpoint pupils; the other widely dilated ones.)
someone in the know..

Claims are one thing, reality is something else and calls upon very careful expert verification. See Any and all samples taken must be properly documented with secure ownership at all stages, and carefully and appropriately packaged. - Mod.MHJ]

[The news media is reporting DILATED eyes. Nerve agents, regardless of what kind they are, sarin (also known as GB), soman, VX, or others cause PINPOINT pupils. So, either someone does not know what they are observing, or someone has mixed it up in the reporting. In a video posted on the web, I clearly observed at least 2 victims with DILATED pupils and 2 with PIN-POINT pupils. This is possibly a mixed agent. Or some patients with varying stages of poisoning are being treated.

someone in the know
meaning the AQ types in the rebels did this, to suck the west into a war with Assad.
Makes perfect logic, if not provable, as the rebels (Sunni's) do have various AQ groups, and are getting blasted by the Syrian army/air force

Syria Chemical Warfare Claims Aim to Provoke Western Intervention

The unsubstantiated charges that the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad carried out a chemical weapons attack outside Damascus killing large numbers of civilians have all the hallmarks of a staged provocation aimed at provoking Western intervention.

Reports of the attack were made by Western-backed opponents of the Assad regime early Wednesday, just as a United Nations chemical weapons inspection team, admitted to Syria by the government just 72 hours earlier, began its work.

Indeed, according to the opposition sources reporting the chemical weapons attacks, they took place in Eastern Ghouta in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, just a few miles from where the UN inspection team is headquartered.

Why the Assad regime should choose such a moment to launch large-scale chemical attacks—under the noses of the UN inspectors—and what motive he would have for doing so, under conditions in which his military has been inflicting a series of defeats on the US-backed “rebels,” has not been explained in any of the extensive media coverage of these unverified allegations.

Nonetheless, the US and its NATO allies, the principal supporters of the bloody war for regime change in Syria, lost no time in issuing condemnations and demanding an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, which convened behind closed doors in New York Wednesday afternoon.


Last March’s attack in Khan al-Assal, near Aleppo, is one of the incidents that the UN inspection team has come to Syria to investigate. The government has charged that this attack, which killed 26 people, including 16 government soldiers, was the work of the armed Western-backed militias fighting for regime change.

These forces have publicly boasted that they have access to chemical weapons and are prepared to use them. At the end of last May, the Turkish media reported that members of the Al Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militia that has spearheaded the attack on the government, had been arrested with a quantity of sarin in their possession.


The last international outcry over Syrian chemical weapons came last June following the defeat of the Western-backed forces in the strategic city of Qusayr near the Lebanese border, cutting a key supply line for the anti-regime militias. It was in direct response to these reversals that the Obama administration issued its baseless finding that the Assad government had used chemical weapons. Having previously declared the use of such weapons a “red line” that would lead to a change in US policy on Syria, the Obama administration announced that its intention was to begin directly arming the “rebels.”


CLEARLY, Obama and the US government cannot be trusted on Syria .. just as they should not have been trusted on Libya .. just as George Bush and the US government should not have been trusted on Iraq.
some of the treating drs have died folks.

Its coming pretty close to being confirmed for real.

Now I had people of all stripes calling me names for refusing to stop talking a Fallughia and white phosferous.

That has been confirmed as real and most of you STILL don't know it happened
some of the treating drs have died folks.

Its coming pretty close to being confirmed for real.

Now I had people of all stripes calling me names for refusing to stop talking a Fallughia and white phosferous.

That has been confirmed as real and most of you STILL don't know it happened

Who did it?

As you already know, we are capable of doing anything for war .. including false flags.
Syria Chemical Warfare Claims Aim to Provoke Western Intervention

The unsubstantiated charges that the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad carried out a chemical weapons attack outside Damascus killing large numbers of civilians have all the hallmarks of a staged provocation aimed at provoking Western intervention.

Reports of the attack were made by Western-backed opponents of the Assad regime early Wednesday, just as a United Nations chemical weapons inspection team, admitted to Syria by the government just 72 hours earlier, began its work.

Indeed, according to the opposition sources reporting the chemical weapons attacks, they took place in Eastern Ghouta in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, just a few miles from where the UN inspection team is headquartered.

Why the Assad regime should choose such a moment to launch large-scale chemical attacks—under the noses of the UN inspectors—and what motive he would have for doing so, under conditions in which his military has been inflicting a series of defeats on the US-backed “rebels,” has not been explained in any of the extensive media coverage of these unverified allegations.

Nonetheless, the US and its NATO allies, the principal supporters of the bloody war for regime change in Syria, lost no time in issuing condemnations and demanding an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, which convened behind closed doors in New York Wednesday afternoon.

These forces have publicly boasted that they have access to chemical weapons and are prepared to use them. At the end of last May, the Turkish media reported that members of the Al Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militia that has spearheaded the attack on the government, had been arrested with a quantity of sarin in their possession.

CLEARLY, Obama and the US government cannot be trusted on Syria .. just as they should not have been trusted on Libya .. just as George Bush and the US government should not have been trusted on Iraq.
well said. This is a false flag willingly persued by Obama as it is a convenient way to enter the fray.

Why look for anything else but what is dropped in front of you as a reason to do what you want to do?? - get into the Syrian quagmire to push back on Putin?
More geo-jocking for position, buying into the Russian trap to engage where we have NO NATIONAL INTERESTS - just our Exceptionalism tastes to quell?

Fergit the media; lapdogs, unable to analyze news , muchless report it.........

Another slobbering war, more of our "dizzying interventionism" where nothing good can come of this.

On Morning Joe -someone mentioned "but is this in our best interests" (reports Obama is going to use surgical strikes)

which was quickly taken off the table by David Axelrod -busily shilling for Obama's next move
Who did it?

As you already know, we are capable of doing anything for war .. including false flags.

why in the hell would Syria do this NOW?? They were winning the battles -all this could do is set up a "no fly", or even surgical strikes.

There was no need, it would be counter-productive for Syria to do this, it reeks of a false flag.

Yet off we go, becuase it will fit the pre-conceptions -just wait for it. France (the old colonialist) is already slobbering for action

Some of the emergency responders who first arrived at the scene of a purported chemical weapons attack outside Damascus have died, lending further credence to claims that President Bashar Assad used poisonous gases to fight rebel forces.

“Some of them came down with similar symptoms and passed away,” said Khaled Saleh, a spokesman for the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, according to USA Today.

The United States is giving the medical aid and other non-lethal assistance.

Mr. Saleh said at least six doctors have died while treating the alleged chemical attack victims, but there may be more.

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dude exactly what I said.

when the full information is known then a determination can be made.

Im not one of you idiots who just want action even if it does more harm than good
US Refines "Military Options" Ahead Of Syrian Strikes

Now that the US has made up its mind once more and "knows" that Wednesday's chemical attack in Syria was conducted by the government and targeting the "rebels",
even as the "developed" west calls for a UN investigation to determine just that, and as the US (including the CIA), Israel and Jordan have already sent an advance military force into Syria to conduct more false flag provocations and blame it on the regime, the only next step is to soften and prepare popular opinion for what comes next. And what comes next is on the front page of the WSJ this morning:

"The U.S. began refining its military options for possible strikes in Syria, officials said... Officers at the Pentagon on Thursday were updating target lists for possible airstrikes on a range of Syrian government and military installations." Then again we have seen all this before. Surely, one of these times the administration will actually go ahead and push the button instead of just talking about it.

From the WSJ:

Officers at the Pentagon on Thursday were updating target lists for possible airstrikes on a range of Syrian government and military installations, officials said, as part of contingency planning should President Barack Obama decide to act after what experts said may be the worst chemical-weapons massacre in more than two decades.

As the Pentagon worked on its options, Secretary of State John Kerry talked by telephone with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and the foreign-policy chiefs of Turkey, Jordan and the European Union, as well as with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, officials said.

The US' strawman for an attack is simple: assume a false flag operation was conducted in Syria, then demand full compliance with the West's demands that it be given full investigation privileges to confirm it wasn't a false flag operation, and scream bloody murder if those privileges are not granted.
A story as old as the last Iraq war in fact. But that doesn't mean it will stop any time soon.

The Syrian government denied allegations it gassed its own people, backed by new statements from regime allies Iran and Russia accusing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's international foes of conspiring against him.
U.S. officials said they have seen "strong indications" that chemical weapons were used but that more work was needed to evaluate and collect evidence.

The regime gave no indication, however, that it would agree to Mr. Ban's plea to let U.N. inspectors investigate the chemical-weapons allegations, as Syrian forces pressed on with an offensive in the towns around the capital where the attacks were alleged to have occurred.

U.S. officials who described the military options being revised at the Pentagon stressed that their purpose wouldn't be to topple the regime, but to punish Mr. Assad if there is conclusive evidence that the government was behind poison-gas attacks on Wednesday.

And there you have it: over the next week, we fully expect to wake up to news that a US and Israeli-led fly-by has crippled several key Syrian military installations in "punishment" for a chemical attack that with virtual certainty was conducted not by the regime which knows it every action is observed by spy satellites,

but by the Qatari mercenaries whose only job is precisely to topple the Assad regime so the much-delayed LNG pipeline can finally pass underneath Syria.
Because if it wasn't for that, why on earth would Saudi Arabia grovel before Putin demanding just that?

Making its options known could constitute a U.S. warning to Mr. Assad and his backers. It was unclear if Mr. Obama would be prepared to use the options; he has resisted getting entangled militarily in the conflict since the start.

"Once we ascertain the facts, the president will make an informed decision about how to respond," said White House National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan. Mr. Obama has said that the use of chemical weapons by Mr. Assad would cross a key U.S. "red line" and possibly trigger a U.S. response.

U.S. military options include potential strikes on "regime targets," including Syrian government functions crucial to its war effort.
In addition, options include strikes on Syrian military "delivery capabilities and systems" that are either used directly in attacks with poison gas or to facilitate them, from command-and-control facilities to front-line artillery batteries, officials said.


The far narrower options under review include airstrikes using so-called standoff weapons such as cruise missiles, and wouldn't require the U.S. to send fighters into Syrian airspace, officials said.
Israel has carried out a series of airstrikes in Syria this year using similar types of standoff weaponry to avoid sending manned aircraft into Syrian territory.

Officials said these options are being fine-tuned by military officials so Mr. Obama can act in short order if a determination is made that Mr. Assad's forces carried out chemical attacks and if Mr. Obama chooses to respond with force.

Expect such "determination" to be made promptly leading to just such a "short order" action.
At which point the only question is how proportionate will Russia (and China's) response be. Or, in other words, is Obama willing to risk world war just so Europe can get cheap Qatari natural gas\

not necessarily buying into the pipeline idea/ not saying this is not the work of Assad. There is still doubt.

But it looks like the 2 contaminents used were the work of the "rebels", which would stand to gain the most from us/west strikes
I don't get it and believe I posted this in another thread yesterday.

Are you guys saying the Obama administered sprayed chemical weapons on these people so they could invade Syria?

Are you saying the use of chemical weapons in Syria is something new?

Please explain.
The timing and location of the reported chemical weapons use - just three days after the team of U.N. chemical experts checked in to a Damascus hotel a few km (miles) to the east at the start of their mission - was surprising.

"It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country," said Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat who headed a team of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in the 1990s.

"At the least, it wouldn't be very clever."

Ekeus said the mandate of the U.N. team was limited to three sites but could be amended to investigate fresh claims - which would be simpler to verify than the other months-old cases.

"It is easier to do sampling and testing, and also to look at the victims, if there are sick people or even dead people (on the scene). It is easier to get to doctors and get to the place where the event happened."

Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Centre, also said it made little sense for the Syrian government to use chemical agents now.

"Nonetheless, the Ghouta region (where the attacks were reported) is well known for its opposition leanings. Jabhat al-Nusra has had a long-time presence there and the region has borne the brunt of sustained military pressure for months now," he said, referring to a hardline Sunni Islamist rebel group allied to al Qaeda.

"While it is clearly impossible to confirm the chemical weapons claim, it is clear from videos uploaded by reliable accounts that a large number of people have died."
So let's see: an irrational act by a man who knows every act of his is under the interantional media microscope, and not just any act but the worst chemical weapons attack to date which would promptly force a "democratic" intervention into his country, or merely a false flag attack in which the so-called rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, are killing their own to pin the blame, and the international retaliation, on Assad?

do you KNOW who writes Zero hedge?

he is a bank fraudster

Zero Hedge was founded in January 2009.[1] Posts are signed "Tyler Durden," a character in the Chuck Palahniuk book and movie Fight Club,[2] reflecting the news site's activist posture.[1] Despite speculation that "Tyler Durden" is a pseudonym of Daniel Ivandjiiski,[2][3] who was penalized for insider trading in New York in September 2008,