Storage problem with PMs


Grind, et al: I have cleared out every message I can bear to delete, yet the site keeps telling me I don't have storage. I can't even PM you guys.

Can you please contact me by PM?

Thanks, Dune
if you're having storage problems I feel bad for you son

I've got 99 pm's but from rune I've got none
rune how many messages do you have for incoming and sent? look in the upper right corner of our inbox.
I have cleared out every message I can bear to delete

paste them to a .doc file and store them someplace......I don't have that problem.....the only PM I have saved was the one that Grind sent me promising to have my children if I would play werewolf.......
Grind, et al: I have cleared out every message I can bear to delete, yet the site keeps telling me I don't have storage. I can't even PM you guys.

Can you please contact me by PM?

Thanks, Dune

Clear out your sent items too.
It's not really made to save to a file. You would have to open a Word Doc or something and copy/paste the ones you want to keep into it and save it somewhere on your computer.