Still 50/50 at best


that Zimmerman is found not guilty of either manslaughter or 2nd degree murder.

Abrams nails it. In a sane world, charges would not have even been brought. This has been a huge waste of time and resources. Oh, I know that the Team Trayvon crowd will have a shit fit over this post, but if they are looking at this case objectively and not through their race baiting sunglasses, they will see that the prosecution hasn't even come close to proving its case.

Even with that said, I still think it is 50/50. I think that the jury may be swayed by outside events and worries of unrest stoked by the left. But, I hope and pray I am wrong.
Or the jury might find him guilty based upon the evidence presented to them. Just because you haven't been convinced does not mean they haven't. Perhaps you have inadvertently been wearing a pair of shades yourself.
Or the jury might find him guilty based upon the evidence presented to them. Just because you haven't been convinced does not mean they haven't. Perhaps you have inadvertently been wearing a pair of shades yourself.

I watched every witness testify for the prosecution.....there was no evidence of malice or of a crime presented to the
The ME's were train wrecks....the girl friend on the phone was embarrassing...the mishandling of evidence was obvious....if not for the hype, this case would have been
dismissed for lack of evidence.

Circumstantial innuendo, opinion instead of fact, maybes and could have beens, guesses, and obvious biased and slanted testimony trying to elicit emotional response....
It would be a travesty of justice to find Zimmerman guilty of 2nd degree murder or even involuntary manslaughter....

Zimmerman's interviews with the cops told substantially the same story from 1 minute after the shooting on through the preceding months...before he ever
knew of tape recordings or eye witnesses or any other physical evidence was gathered....nothing disproves his version of the event, nothing.
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