States Rights Uproar Deja Vu All over again?

It seems that State's Rights VS Washington DC may eventually come to a head, and history shows US that it can become extremely serious. I was in Bass Pro Shop last week and they do not have many guns left, also not much ammo left, just how serious can this get?............

I'm impressed that you talk politics and don't know why there is an ammo/gun shortage..............Some would call it, "Super Stupid" *avatar pun*

Why is there a gun/ammo shortage? And why are they so expensive? Sorry kid, I'm not going to give information on your thread. Go to general politics and I'll make the post shortly to inform the less informed. If you haven't noticed, Corporations are behind everything lately. Start a fire, then sell a fire extinguisher.
Lol...Bass Pro Shops? You looking for a date?
In know that you are following me around, AKA Stalking me, just like Zappy did and still does. There are only two Bass Pro Shops in California that I know about. I either go to Turner's Outdoorsman(formerly Andrews Sporting Goods) in Escondido or Bass Pro shop in Rancho Cucamonga for my outdoor stuff, including guns. They just opened up a Turner's in Temecula, have not been there yet. I have actually sold on consignment and bought a few guns through Turner's.
"In know" isn't in the English language.

I made the mirror post and you said nothing.

Bass Pro shops are for "Wanna be" rednecks. $60 for a dozen arrows? $8 for a "Torpedo" lure...........$14,000 for a quad.......

I can catch fish with sticks. I make fishing lures from sticks I find in the yard. Of course I own a wood lathe and an airbrush system.
"In know" isn't in the English language.

I made the mirror post and you said nothing.

Bass Pro shops are for "Wanna be" rednecks. $60 for a dozen arrows? $8 for a "Torpedo" lure...........$14,000 for a quad.......

I can catch fish with sticks. I make fishing lures from sticks I find in the yard. Of course I own a wood lathe and an airbrush system.

Congrats "Daniel Boone", but not everyone wants to gather sticks and start a woodworking project to go fishing.

Bass Pro is one of the stores I frequent when looking for hunting or fishing gear. They have good selections. Their people tend to be into the sports, not just salesmen. And their prices are decent.
The way I understand, the "shortage" is being caused by citizens who are convinced that any day now the black helicopters are going to swoop down on their houses and confiscate their guns. You have the militia types and the preppers...Etc who feel that the apocalypse is imminent' sucking up guns and ammo at an alarming rate.
Lol...Bass Pro Shops? You looking for a date?

Sorry Howey, one of the very few times I have groaned someone's post, but you just don't dis Bass Pro, no matter the political/social point you are trying to make ... Capisce? ;)
The way I understand, the "shortage" is being caused by citizens who are convinced that any day now the black helicopters are going to swoop down on their houses and confiscate their guns. You have the militia types and the preppers...Etc who feel that the apocalypse is imminent' sucking up guns and ammo at an alarming rate.

Then you haven't been buying much ammo in the past decade. The shortage is MOSTLY based on government actions, such as requiring 1,000,000,000,000 rounds for the Iraqi army in 07. And the DHS contract for howver many million or billion. Those are the primary reason for the shortage of anything except surplus ammo.
Why is there a gun/ammo shortage?

The way I understand, the "shortage" is being caused by citizens who are convinced that any day now the black helicopters are going to swoop down on their houses and confiscate their guns. You have the militia types and the preppers...Etc who feel that the apocalypse is imminent' sucking up guns and ammo at an alarming rate.

Because the NRA and gun/ammo manufacturers are making a "killing" off the nutcases thinking the gubmint's gonna take their guns! SUCKAHS!

I have actually sold on consignment and bought a few guns through Turner's.

I'm sure you did background checks on the buyers, right? *wink* *wink*

In know that you are following me around, AKA Stalking me, just like Zappy did and still does.

Sure...if you think replying to a post is stalking. Stupid fuck.

Sorry Howey, one of the very few times I have groaned someone's post, but you just don't dis Bass Pro, no matter the political/social point you are trying to make ... Capisce? ;)

lol...I was wondering about that. Sorry!

Then you haven't been buying much ammo in the past decade. The shortage is MOSTLY based on government actions, such as requiring 1,000,000,000,000 rounds for the Iraqi army in 07. And the DHS contract for howver many million or billion. Those are the primary reason for the shortage of anything except surplus ammo.

Can't find a source for that doozy, little weenie Billy. Natch!

Because the NRA and gun/ammo manufacturers are making a "killing" off the nutcases thinking the gubmint's gonna take their guns! SUCKAHS!

I'm sure you did background checks on the buyers, right? *wink* *wink*

Sure...if you think replying to a post is stalking. Stupid fuck.

lol...I was wondering about that. Sorry!

Can't find a source for that doozy, little weenie Billy. Natch!
In California, you have to go through a gun shop to sell any gun, and they do all the background checks. I am not against national background checks, but the Lib anti-gunners lie too much for me to trust them, and that is the problem. The usual Commie way is to come to your house in the middle of the night and demand all the guns that their "LIST" says you have, or they take you away fore "questioning" and you dissappear. I have a brother who will never give his guns up, and I know many moore like him. Remember, if they take away our guns, then only the bad guys will have guns, because they will never turn them in, so no way no how, I am with all my "brothers" all the way to the bitter end, if it comes to that.
Here is a clue for you .

If this country democratically decides you cant have a certain weapon you will hand it over with a yes sir.

We dot fear you nutbags mmmkay

you sitting in your homes stroking your fake steel manhood doesn't make us fear you.

Your not scary.

your not influencing the debate by pretending you will kill your fellow Americans because you don't get your way.

Your merely making fucking laughing stocks out of your faction.

rail away about how you will kill us for changing laws and inforcing them.

we will NEVER fear you.
Here is a clue for you .

If this country democratically decides you cant have a certain weapon you will hand it over with a yes sir.

We dot fear you nutbags mmmkay

you sitting in your homes stroking your fake steel manhood doesn't make us fear you.

Your not scary.

your not influencing the debate by pretending you will kill your fellow Americans because you don't get your way.

Your merely making fucking laughing stocks out of your faction.

rail away about how you will kill us for changing laws and inforcing them.

we will NEVER fear you.

Desh, shut up.
Here is a clue for you .

If this country democratically decides you cant have a certain weapon you will hand it over with a yes sir.

Some will and some won't. It also depends on the way the law is passed and what is supposed to be taken away. Just because the majority decides something, does not make it right.
most of you are ranting fools who would had it over with a yes sir.

those who would not are insane