Starting with Lieberman... voters finally punising for Iraq war!


Well-known member
Its great that the Democrats are starting the purging from within. If you are going to hold polititians responsable for this war... start with your own! :)
I'm actually glad they are. I said, during Kerry's campaign, he should have just went balls-to-the-wall against the war and been honest about it, at least he would have had 'honesty' going for him. As it stood, Democrats walked this fine line of not supporting the war but supporting the troops, Kerry voted for it before voting against it, and the whole campaign became a dysfunctional mix of indecisiveness.

I think you guys should just come out of the closet on Socialism and Communism too! Tell the world you're sick of all the Capitalist American Imperialism. Be honest about it, don't try to hide behind faux moderation, just speak your minds! Be heard, and be heard loudly! Let Natalie Maines and Cyndi Shehan be the voices of your party! The more you get their message out, the better off you will be!
there is no fine line to walk between supporting the troops and not supporting the stupid counterproductive foreign policy assholes who put those troops in harm's way for no good reason. The people know this and the troops know this....

and I know that because, unlike you, I served my country in uniform and know that those who also serve are aware of the fact that idiots like Bush sometime get into power and do assinine things.
Well ..Joes out .. who's next? Seriously ... CT throws a 3 term Senator under the bus for supporting the War just like (your last Presidential candidate did) Kerry and (possibly your next)Hillary .. so who's next in line after Joe?
Well ..Joes out .. who's next? Seriously ... CT throws a 3 term Senator under the bus for supporting the War just like (your last Presidential candidate did) Kerry and (possibly your next)Hillary .. so who's next in line after Joe?

oh your such liar as well

LIEberman supported
bush's energy policy
iraq war..

so many things i mean fukall LIEberman is endorced by SEAN HANNITY AND ANN COULTER...

who threw who under the bus Klaatu.. lets talk about throwing people under the bus... its not nice what your doing to Katherine Harris.. she was your baby in 2000 now you throw her under a bus not based on principal but b/c you feel she can't win..

don't lie Klaatu its unbecoming

like 2000 LIEberman is still a sore loser... vowing to run as an independent b/c he feared low turnout... THERE WAS RECORD TURNOUT

but LIEberman don't care he just cares about keeping his fiefdom seat in the senate
I hate to tell you this, but Lieberman's chair positions are now gone, it doesn't matter if he wins as an independent. The Democrats lost a strong voice on national security, and one of their most senior statesmen. They've also lost about the only democrat who could have pulled the party back into the realm of sanity.

I am tickled by this, I like Joe, I had a lot of respect for him, and I think the Dems made an unreal blunder in kicking him out of the party. He'll either take the seat away from the Dems, or the Dems will seat a freshman Senator, either way, Democrats lose.
All the sudden Republicans who attacked lieberman when he ran for VP with Al Gore.... like him!

I think its great, and I think its a national trend. Supporting Bush's war back then was bad, standing by that decision now it unforgivable!
Well ..Joes out .. who's next? Seriously ... CT throws a 3 term Senator under the bus for supporting the War just like (your last Presidential candidate did) Kerry and (possibly your next)Hillary .. so who's next in line after Joe?
I nominate Di-Fi -- though I know that's just a fantasy. :burn: