I'm actually glad they are. I said, during Kerry's campaign, he should have just went balls-to-the-wall against the war and been honest about it, at least he would have had 'honesty' going for him. As it stood, Democrats walked this fine line of not supporting the war but supporting the troops, Kerry voted for it before voting against it, and the whole campaign became a dysfunctional mix of indecisiveness.
I think you guys should just come out of the closet on Socialism and Communism too! Tell the world you're sick of all the Capitalist American Imperialism. Be honest about it, don't try to hide behind faux moderation, just speak your minds! Be heard, and be heard loudly! Let Natalie Maines and Cyndi Shehan be the voices of your party! The more you get their message out, the better off you will be!