Spread your legs for Uncle Sam, here comes Obamacare!

Big Money

New member



After reading the first line of Christopher Bedford’s attack on Democrats from the Daily Caller article, Creepy Uncle Sam is the best political mascot since normal Uncle Sam; my immediate reaction was to shout expletives at him.

As I continued reading, however, I was shocked at how accurate his article truly was. “The left is having a temper tantrum,” he says, regarding the New Opt Out of Obamacare/ Creepy Uncle Sam commercials hitting televisions all across America.

Since I had not seen any of these commercials and clearly had no idea who the Creepy Uncle Sam fellow was, I clicked play on the video.

I was certain I would be outraged since I am a staunch Liberal, a vehement supporter of our president, and an excited defender of Universal Healthcare.

However, by the end of the commercial, I noticed two things happening. 1) I was audibly laughing, and 2) I heard the voice in my head say “good for them.”

What I want to say to my temper-tantrum-throwing allies is this: Get over it! Those opposing Healthcare reform have every right to oppose it. Those that feel the government is…well, sticking it to them, have every right to feel that way and express it any way they choose.

it's just funny that the vaginal ultrasound party are the ones making the creepy uncle sam ad.

Bill maher made that point last night, pretty spot on.

However, if scaring the proles is what we need to do, I guess that's what needs to be done.
op out fool.

How many idiots will opt out only to be in huge debt for the rest of their lives.

jesus you right wing fools are dumb as dirt.

Your not going to get any NEW voters with this stupidity.

You will just crush the right wing youth by talking them into acting completely stupidly in their own lives.

talk about voting against your own interests
After reading the first line of Christopher Bedford’s attack on Democrats from the Daily Caller article, Creepy Uncle Sam is the best political mascot since normal Uncle Sam; my immediate reaction was to shout expletives at him.

As I continued reading, however, I was shocked at how accurate his article truly was. “The left is having a temper tantrum,” he says, regarding the New Opt Out of Obamacare/ Creepy Uncle Sam commercials hitting televisions all across America.

Since I had not seen any of these commercials and clearly had no idea who the Creepy Uncle Sam fellow was, I clicked play on the video.

I was certain I would be outraged since I am a staunch Liberal, a vehement supporter of our president, and an excited defender of Universal Healthcare.

However, by the end of the commercial, I noticed two things happening. 1) I was audibly laughing, and 2) I heard the voice in my head say “good for them.”

What I want to say to my temper-tantrum-throwing allies is this: Get over it! Those opposing Healthcare reform have every right to oppose it. Those that feel the government is…well, sticking it to them, have every right to feel that way and express it any way they choose.



I am shocked, a liberal that actually understands what freedom of speech is for, most of the sheep think we should all be locked up in education camps if we do not agree with der leader Obama.
The ads are the ugliness of America being put on display for all to see. Surely the Republicans with a little human decency must be embarrassed.
really over the top propaganda. You can tell how afraid they are by the huge lies they are telling. Absolutely disgusting.

Most see thru this bullshit. It will only hurt the right.
If the ACA works out and ends up being a part of the American fabric like FDR and Social Security the Repubs will never win the Oval Office again, they know this which is why they are on an all out offensive irregardless of the truth or not.
If the ACA works out and ends up being a part of the American fabric like FDR and Social Security the Repubs will never win the Oval Office again, they know this which is why they are on an all out offensive irregardless of the truth or not.
On the other hand, if what they say is becoming true, the dems are going to get voted out,,,,,,,,, big time. Then we'll be stuck with the other bad party.