Speaker Pelosi

This is a wallstreed journal poll not a left wing site poll and the statement is from a Republican Pollster. This shutdown has been a disaster for the GOP and worse for the teaparty.

The Republican Party has been "badly damaged" by the government shutdown, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday evening, which finds public opinion souring on the GOP and some of its core positions.

Voters were 8 points more likely to say they'd prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress over a Republican-controlled Congress, a 5-point shift toward the Democrats since last month. Support for the new health care law, the touchstone of the government shutdown, rose a net 8 points from September, while the belief that government should do more to solve problems was up 8 points from June.

“That is an ideological boomerang,” Bill McInturff, the GOP pollster who conducts the NBC/WSJ poll along with Democratic pollster Peter Hart, told NBC. “As the debate has been going on, if there is a break, there is a break against the Republican position.”


given the entrenched infrastructure of the two major parties, the ONLY real options for the American people are D or R.
May be making a comeback!

This is a disaster for the GOP, but among all of this really bad news for them, what most got my attention was that even more people blame the GOP for this shutdown than blamed them for the shut down during the Clinton adminstration. And for the kiddies- that backlash killed them.


I think you are probably right about this! The last government shut down was disastrous for them and this one is shaping up the same way. The Republicans and their teabagger faction are in a no win situation and their money people are moving away from the teaparty and toward more mainstream Republican candidates, in fact they might be funding some of them. Looks like Alan West who claimed that "80 House Democrats were Communists" might be the face of the future leading the teaparty out of national politics for good!
May be making a comeback!

This is a disaster for the GOP, but among all of this really bad news for them, what most got my attention was that even more people blame the GOP for this shutdown than blamed them for the shut down during the CLinton adminstration. And for the kiddies- that backlash killed them.


How did the backlash kill them? After the Clinton shutdown, Republicans took the White House for the next eight years and held their majorities into 2006. Dimwit Democrats pissed that away, when sheeple realized what incredible lying asshats they were in 2010.

I think nitwit Pelosi was one of the shortest lived Speakers.

I am amused by the imaginary victory Leftists are reading from these tea leaves a year from midterms. It's quite funny. But with another year of economic malaise and Obamascare at full throttle and it's mounting costs realized, I feel certain that even the dumbest dimwit voters will question whether they want trust the party of liars again.

But hey, enjoy your early bizzarre victory lap while you dimwits can. LOL

You people truly are delusional.
May be making a comeback!

This is a disaster for the GOP, but among all of this really bad news for them, what most got my attention was that even more people blame the GOP for this shutdown than blamed them for the shut down during the CLinton adminstration. And for the kiddies- that backlash killed them.


There are people that dislike Pelosi, but she was far more effective than John Boehner.
I believe the Democrats are going to control the House, but I wonder if they will elect a new speaker.
given that 59% also disapprove of Democrats, if there IS a change it will have to be in a third direction, no?.......


if your plan was to make the republicans so hated that the dems got hated too in the confusion then its not going to work.

what happened last time you guys were so stupid you followed Newt off a cliff?

You had to cheat your asses off to get bush into office.

cheaters never really win.

do you even know what the line means?
What is interesting is the denial. The crazies on this board are the very ones driving the GOP train over the cliff. Let's hope they don't take the country with them. But they're definitely on a one-way trip.
What is interesting is the denial. The crazies on this board are the very ones driving the GOP train over the cliff. Let's hope they don't take the country with them. But they're definitely on a one-way trip.

that's funny coming from someone who voted for Obama twice.....
I told the republican party right after the last election that they needed to dump this base and show Glee in doing so.

they didn't

this is what they get for not doing it.

Now they will dump them

they just walk away with more stab wounds that they could have avoided
I told the republican party right after the last election that they needed to dump this base and show Glee in doing so.

they didn't

this is what they get for not doing it.

Now they will dump them

they just walk away with more stab wounds that they could have avoided

we will have to see a year from now.....
What is interesting is the denial. The crazies on this board are the very ones driving the GOP train over the cliff. Let's hope they don't take the country with them. But they're definitely on a one-way trip.

Crazies in what way, we like the constitution, we don't like the feds controlling healthcare because we are tired of bureaucrats doing such a lousy job of running anything, because of fraud and waste and red tape. This is not partisan I do not like much of anyone in Washington right now, you basically have dem, and dem light, and the real conservatives which are tea party members. nobody in Washington cares about anything but getting re-elected.