Soros-Funded District Attorneys Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation

“Soros,” ain’t seen “Soros” in some time, it’s been all Antifa and BLM for months if not years, “deep state” before that, now we’ve regurgitated “Soros,” beautiful.

It is as if the wingers have a closet of handy bogeymen they can pull off the shelf and employ, when does Sharpton get dusted off, got to be guaranteed to arrive if Harris succeeds Biden
“Soros,” ain’t seen “Soros” in some time

Are you denying that Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Kimberly Foxx in Cook County, Illinois, and Diana Becton in Contra Costa County, California, have all taken campaign donations from Soros, Anchovies?
“Soros,” ain’t seen “Soros” in some time, it’s been all Antifa and BLM for months if not years, “deep state” before that, now we’ve regurgitated “Soros,” beautiful.

It is as if the wingers have a closet of handy bogeymen they can pull off the shelf and employ, when does Sharpton get dusted off, got to be guaranteed to arrive if Harris succeeds Biden

The Republican Party reeks of desperation. Americans have a 70% approval of this administration, which is a total disaster for the GOP. The answer- throw as much shit against the wall and hope something sticks.
Yes we Jews are going to get ya!!!

The internet has once again exploded with a surge of social media posts about George Soros, with far-right activists and QAnon conspiracy theorists posting wildly imaginative claims related to the billionaire philanthropist. But behind the spectacle of paranoid outrage, there is a troubling and undeniable truth about the constant attacks on George Soros: Anti-Semitism.

A cursory read of conservative and far-right media would have you believe that Soros and his funding is behind Antifa, Black Lives Matter, violent protests, illegal immigration, fraudulent voting schemes and a myriad of other radical conspiracy theories. And of course, his detractors fume at his funding of democratic causes and candidates in state and federal elections across the country.
Anti-Semitism, plain and simple.

Soros’s critics barely hide their anti-Semitism anymore, frequently posting images of him with grossly distorted anti-Semitic features. The attacks also frequently reference, directly and indirectly, longstanding anti-Semitic theories from texts such as the Elders of Zion that claim Jews are running an international cabal. The most perverse attacks on Soros relate to fraudulent claims that he was a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer. In fact, Soros’s family escaped persecution from the Nazis, who killed over 500,000 Hungarian Jews during World War II.
Make no mistake, hurting America is not a bug, it is the feature.

Why is the question that needs to be answered, as well as who.