I posted a thread about house bil hr 127 a anti gun bill and several democrats posted some really ignorant things that they have no clue about such as Hoosier fag daddy .
who claimed a assault rifle was any gun that could be modified to accept a high cap mag or that was semi automatic.
well first a pistol is not a rifle , next most any semi auto fire arm that uses a removable mag has no need to be modified you simple put in a bigger mad .
and the definition of a assault rifle is a selective fire weapon meaning that it fires more then one round when the trigger is pulled, such guns have been restricted from 1934 on , while you can buy them with approval from the government they are very expensive its not uncommon for a selective fire m 16 to sell for as much as 30,000 dollars and it also take a background check and approval from the atf and about a year to do so plus a 200 dollar tax stamp all paid up front before you even do the year long wait. I know this because I have been through the process my self and approved .
a ar 15 is not considered a assault weapon by the feds , it looks like one in appearance only but is not capable of selective fire , its kinda like this on the following link
a rwal Bugatti veyron cost millions and is blinding fast a true super car, but people dress up some cars such as the pontiac inn the above link or some others such as a mercury , they look like the real thing but so not perform like the real thing.
now perhaps I need another example that democrats are better able to understand, lets use shemale as a example , some do indeed look like women but that is not what they are they can never have children , so they may look like the real thing to a democrat but they are fake and do not function like the real thing.
im sure even a complete dumb bastard who is really ignorant such as Hoosier house fag can comprehend that one.
democrats often are drama queens and try to turn things into something they are not just to meet their agenda .
I have never figured out if its due to their stupidity or ignorance or both .
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire. Because they are light and portable yet still able to deliver a high volume of fire with reasonable accuracy at modern combat ranges of 1,000–1,600 feet (300–500 metres), assault rifles have replaced the high-powered bolt-action and semiautomatic rifles of the World War II era as the standard infantry weapon of modern armies.
who claimed a assault rifle was any gun that could be modified to accept a high cap mag or that was semi automatic.
well first a pistol is not a rifle , next most any semi auto fire arm that uses a removable mag has no need to be modified you simple put in a bigger mad .
and the definition of a assault rifle is a selective fire weapon meaning that it fires more then one round when the trigger is pulled, such guns have been restricted from 1934 on , while you can buy them with approval from the government they are very expensive its not uncommon for a selective fire m 16 to sell for as much as 30,000 dollars and it also take a background check and approval from the atf and about a year to do so plus a 200 dollar tax stamp all paid up front before you even do the year long wait. I know this because I have been through the process my self and approved .
a ar 15 is not considered a assault weapon by the feds , it looks like one in appearance only but is not capable of selective fire , its kinda like this on the following link
a rwal Bugatti veyron cost millions and is blinding fast a true super car, but people dress up some cars such as the pontiac inn the above link or some others such as a mercury , they look like the real thing but so not perform like the real thing.
now perhaps I need another example that democrats are better able to understand, lets use shemale as a example , some do indeed look like women but that is not what they are they can never have children , so they may look like the real thing to a democrat but they are fake and do not function like the real thing.
im sure even a complete dumb bastard who is really ignorant such as Hoosier house fag can comprehend that one.
democrats often are drama queens and try to turn things into something they are not just to meet their agenda .
I have never figured out if its due to their stupidity or ignorance or both .
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire. Because they are light and portable yet still able to deliver a high volume of fire with reasonable accuracy at modern combat ranges of 1,000–1,600 feet (300–500 metres), assault rifles have replaced the high-powered bolt-action and semiautomatic rifles of the World War II era as the standard infantry weapon of modern armies.