Some words in defense of Carlson


Back To Reality
Gaetz to Carlson, "You and I went to dinner about two years ago. Your wife was there, and I brought a friend of mine, you'll remember her."

I disagree with Carlson on many issues, but I have to put a few words in his defense. Gaetz is trying to drag Carlson into his issues, and I do not think that is fair to Carlson.

Gaetz claimed that Carlson had dinner with Gaetz and one of his dates. The truth appears to be that Gaetz and his "date" saw Carlson eating at a restaurant, and approached him for an autograph. Gaetz is an engaged politician, and Carlson is a journalist, so it would be reasonable for Carlson to assume she was not a "date". Gaetz could have been with a bigger group, one young lady in that group saw Carlson, and got Gaetz to go over and get his autograph. That was not what happened, but if I were Carlson, that is what I assumed just happened.

So Carlson had no way of knowing that Gaetz was involved in a sexual relationship with the young lady that he saw Gaetz with, nor could he have known her age...

30 year old women can look 16, and 16 year old girls can look 30. Carlson only met this young lady for long enough to sign an autograph, and to have a picture of the three of them together, so would not have the time to judge the age of the young lady. With makeup, the age would be unguessable in a short amount of time.

It all brings us back to why was the supposedly engaged Gaetz transporting young ladies from Florida up to New York City to have dinner with him alone, and then go back to a hotel together. If the young lady is over 18, then it is "just" a moral indiscretion. If she is under 18, it is several years in prison.

And how arrogant is Gaetz to bring up the incident himself. Even if he could blackmail Carlson with it, bringing it up on air for everyone to see... This is a man who thinks he is above normal morality.

God, I hope Carlson does not let me down. If he is involved in this, and I defended him, I will feel terrible.
We might be about ready for another "These Fuckers in Washington Really Suck!" thread.

Never, or almost never, in the history of this nation has the quality of people in Washington been worse.
Shout Out to FoxNews for standing up for Tucker as they have over the last few years, and for elevating him now.....that takes some stones.
Gaetz is a bad liar, his story is too complicated and makes no sense.

I think Gaetz is a better liar than you give him credit for, but he just did not care enough to do a good job here. He is surprised anyone cares about him molesting children, because in his mind he is the only one important. They are just objects. It is hard for him to be a good liar, when he really does not understand that the situation is worth lying about.

And that is the disturbing thing about him. He reminds me of Nugent, who was for decades proud of the fact he adopted a child to have sex with her, and got several other children pregnant. Only recently does Nugent realize that he probably should lie to try not to be seen as a child molester. His lies are bad now, because he spent so many decades being an open child molester.
We might be about ready for another "These Fuckers in Washington Really Suck!" thread.

Never, or almost never, in the history of this nation has the quality of people in Washington been worse.

Gaetz is from Florida. trump is from Queens. Nugent is from the outer suburbs of Chicago. They may travel to Washington, but they are not really connected to it.
We might be about ready for another "These Fuckers in Washington Really Suck!" thread.

Never, or almost never, in the history of this nation has the quality of people in Washington been worse.

Well, Thomas Jefferson was a genocidal slaveholding pedophile serial rapist, and he has a memorial (for now), so there's that.

Washington was also a slave rapist, FYI.
Well, Thomas Jefferson was a genocidal slaveholding pedophile serial rapist, and he has a memorial (for now), so there's that.

Washington was also a slave rapist, FYI.

Judging people in history, the builders, by standards of today was one of the stupidest ideas that ever came down the pike.