Solid majority of 'avid' baseball fans back moving All-Star Game out of Georgia


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A strong 62% majority of self-described "avid" Major League Baseball fans said they supported the league's decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta over Georgia's new voter suppression law. Just 28% of avid fans opposed the move, according to a new Morning Consult poll conducted over the weekend.

The MLB's decision to relocate the July 13 game was also supported by a 48% plurality of MLB fans overall, while 31% opposed it and 21% said they either didn't know or had no opinion on the matter.

A 39% plurality of all U.S. adults also backed the move, with 28% opposing it and 32% expressing no opinion."

Apparently the majority are fed up with repukes' efforts at engaging in sewer and un American atrocities to destroy the legitimacy of everyone's voting rights in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and Federal voting right laws too. Therefore, it appears the majority are on bored with corporations to rebuke and sanction seditious and treasonous repukes in a bold and brazen way and for the right and justified reasons.
A strong 62% majority of self-described "avid" Major League Baseball fans said they supported the league's decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta over Georgia's new voter suppression law. Just 28% of avid fans opposed the move, according to a new Morning Consult poll conducted over the weekend.

The MLB's decision to relocate the July 13 game was also supported by a 48% plurality of MLB fans overall, while 31% opposed it and 21% said they either didn't know or had no opinion on the matter.

A 39% plurality of all U.S. adults also backed the move, with 28% opposing it and 32% expressing no opinion."

Apparently the majority are fed up with repukes' efforts at engaging in sewer and un American atrocities to destroy the legitimacy of everyone's voting rights in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and Federal voting right laws too. Therefore, it appears the majority are on bored with corporations to rebuke and sanction seditious and treasonous repukes in a bold and brazen way and for the right and justified reasons.

" Morning Consult poll"
Solid majority of 'avid' baseball fans back moving All-Star Game out of Georgia

Bullshit. I don't believe it for a second.
We have lost a lot of polsters to the Mind Molding Business, just as we tragically lost almost all of the journalists.
A strong 62% majority of self-described "avid" Major League Baseball fans said they supported the league's decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta over Georgia's new voter suppression law. Just 28% of avid fans opposed the move, according to a new Morning Consult poll conducted over the weekend.

The MLB's decision to relocate the July 13 game was also supported by a 48% plurality of MLB fans overall, while 31% opposed it and 21% said they either didn't know or had no opinion on the matter.

A 39% plurality of all U.S. adults also backed the move, with 28% opposing it and 32% expressing no opinion."

Apparently the majority are fed up with repukes' efforts at engaging in sewer and un American atrocities to destroy the legitimacy of everyone's voting rights in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and Federal voting right laws too. Therefore, it appears the majority are on bored with corporations to rebuke and sanction seditious and treasonous repukes in a bold and brazen way and for the right and justified reasons.

Major League Baseball will regret allowing politics (and LEFTIST POLITICS especially) to invade the game so completely that they alienated a majority of their current and future fans.

Harry Ellis must have found a job in the head office.

A strong 62% majority of self-described "avid" Major League Baseball fans said they supported the league's decision to move its All-Star Game out of Atlanta over Georgia's new voter suppression law. Just 28% of avid fans opposed the move, according to a new Morning Consult poll conducted over the weekend.

The MLB's decision to relocate the July 13 game was also supported by a 48% plurality of MLB fans overall, while 31% opposed it and 21% said they either didn't know or had no opinion on the matter.

A 39% plurality of all U.S. adults also backed the move, with 28% opposing it and 32% expressing no opinion."

Apparently the majority are fed up with repukes' efforts at engaging in sewer and un American atrocities to destroy the legitimacy of everyone's voting rights in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and Federal voting right laws too. Therefore, it appears the majority are on bored with corporations to rebuke and sanction seditious and treasonous repukes in a bold and brazen way and for the right and justified reasons.

Are you an idiot? (Rhetorical question.)

Garbage poll.
I love baseball.

I don't think it's too slow.

It's not merely athletic but cerebral as well.

I thing that the rules were well sorted out more than one hundred years ago.

I love that it's not about attacking and defending goals while a clock is running.

I attended my first Red Sox game in 1953, just after Ted Williams returned from Korea.

Mr. Williams hit a towering home run that made my little jaw drop.

My only gripe is that at no time in the history of humanity have enough major league quality players walked the earth at the same time

to fill thirty rosters.

I grew up before MLB---there were two autonomous eight teams leagues.
The American and National Leagues actually existed back then [they haven't for decades]
and they competed with one another in Boston [Braves / Red Sox], New York [Yankees / Giants and Dodgers], Philadelpha [A's / Phillies], Chicago [White Sox / Cubs], and St. Louis [Browns / Cardinals].
There was no major league baseball south or west of St. Louis.

It was a better game, because it wasn't so watered down. There aren't that many of us still around to remember it.

I've had issues with current day baseball, but as a fan since the early fifties, I'm proud of what they did with the All Star Game.