It's capitalism with a healthy blend of socialism. For instance, in Canada we have universal health care because 'for profit' health care just doesn't work for the people. Health care is just one example among several where government can do it better and cheaper.
Another example is British Columbia's government run vehicle insurance. ICBC or Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. We adopted the plan province wide in about 1960 and we've never looked back. We have the best quality insurance and the most affordable of the entire country. And it's much more affordable than any available from private companies in the US as far as I know.
Eventually the US will have to come to the understanding that private companies aren't serving the people's interests. When that happens, people become willing to put the screws to the private companies to force them to be more affordable and competitive. And then if they don't become more affordable, government needs to step in and offer better.
It's not socialism as such, it's just capitalism that is being forced to bear a social responsibility to the people it is supposed to serve. It works throughout the world and it will work in the US when the people decide they have had enough of being cheated by big business that has no motivation to be competitive and affordable.
As is happening now with Obamacare, it's being resisted by the right because their very lives are at stake, in that they can see how their profits will be drastically reduced. And so, any dirty trick is considered fair game. There is no end to the measures they will stoop to in order to keep their incredibly huge profits.
Hence, it has all led to the US being the 2nd. highest in income inequality in the entire world. All while the incredibly high incomes at the top make the US the highest overall average income in the entire world.
The message is crystal clear, and of course some have already come to realize what the problem is. When will enough Americans come to the realization that they are being taken to the cleaners by the 1% or 2%. The 'fix' for the problem is an easy one! And it's the only 'fix' that is ever going to change things.
Discussion? Questions on how it works? People from other countries can give you the answers Americans. You just need to want to take your country back.
Another example is British Columbia's government run vehicle insurance. ICBC or Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. We adopted the plan province wide in about 1960 and we've never looked back. We have the best quality insurance and the most affordable of the entire country. And it's much more affordable than any available from private companies in the US as far as I know.
Eventually the US will have to come to the understanding that private companies aren't serving the people's interests. When that happens, people become willing to put the screws to the private companies to force them to be more affordable and competitive. And then if they don't become more affordable, government needs to step in and offer better.
It's not socialism as such, it's just capitalism that is being forced to bear a social responsibility to the people it is supposed to serve. It works throughout the world and it will work in the US when the people decide they have had enough of being cheated by big business that has no motivation to be competitive and affordable.
As is happening now with Obamacare, it's being resisted by the right because their very lives are at stake, in that they can see how their profits will be drastically reduced. And so, any dirty trick is considered fair game. There is no end to the measures they will stoop to in order to keep their incredibly huge profits.
Hence, it has all led to the US being the 2nd. highest in income inequality in the entire world. All while the incredibly high incomes at the top make the US the highest overall average income in the entire world.
The message is crystal clear, and of course some have already come to realize what the problem is. When will enough Americans come to the realization that they are being taken to the cleaners by the 1% or 2%. The 'fix' for the problem is an easy one! And it's the only 'fix' that is ever going to change things.
Discussion? Questions on how it works? People from other countries can give you the answers Americans. You just need to want to take your country back.