So Texas will take SOCIALIZED help


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I have absolutely no sympathy for Texas nor its people. This is the second time or third time, socialized tax payers have had to bail out this anti government, hating on regulated America and its tax payers all because they want to be independent and on their own..and when the goings are good, its a effin hate fest from these people and their politicians and its conservatism 101. Half the rioting murderers in Jan on our Capital, came from Texas. I'm sick of this state and its politicians. They had the opportunity to get with reality with Beto, but instead, especially among the hispanics, they chose this loser Ted. If Texas is going to continuously ignore sound good advice from federal regulators and come crawling to the rest of us for socialized hand outs, I say F*** them and you get what you deserve.

But as always, you got democrats bending over backwards to keep them white folk happy, who will never ever give them a vote or thanks.
I have absolutely no sympathy for Texas nor its people. This is the second time or third time, socialized tax payers have had to bail out this anti government, hating on regulated America and its tax payers all because they want to be independent and on their own..and when the goings are good, its a effin hate fest from these people and their politicians and its conservatism 101. Half the rioting murderers in Jan on our Capital, came from Texas. I'm sick of this state and its politicians. They had the opportunity to get with reality with Beto, but instead, especially among the hispanics, they chose this loser Ted. If Texas is going to continuously ignore sound good advice from federal regulators and come crawling to the rest of us for socialized hand outs, I say F*** them and you get what you deserve.

But as always, you got democrats bending over backwards to keep them white folk happy, who will never ever give them a vote or thanks.

fuck you. i live here, bitch, and it is far from only being white folks here, and white folks, per capita, were not brutalized by this freaking storm as much as blacks and latinos, due to economic issues. there are plenty of good caring people here in Texas, EVEN A LOT OF THOSE WHO VOTE REPUB....was George Bush a racist, a bigot, a fucking piece of shit human being like trump? being prejudiced against all Texans, or all white people, or all repubs, is as stupid and fucked up as being biased against all blacks, all latinos, muslims, democrats and gay folks, asshole.

watch your mouth, bitch.
Maybe now they can start flying the American flag higher than the Texas flag.

Come on Texas, flip blue next time. Have you not had enough?
So we have to SOCIALIZE the relief to make up for the corruption and deregulation of the Republi-cons.

Texas politicians are digging their own political graves!

Cruz, Abbott, Attorney General and all are toast! It took pissing off and embarrassing their own Republican supporters for people to see the light!
I have absolutely no sympathy for Texas nor its people. This is the second time or third time, socialized tax payers have had to bail out this anti government, hating on regulated America and its tax payers all because they want to be independent and on their own..and when the goings are good, its a effin hate fest from these people and their politicians and its conservatism 101. Half the rioting murderers in Jan on our Capital, came from Texas. I'm sick of this state and its politicians. They had the opportunity to get with reality with Beto, but instead, especially among the hispanics, they chose this loser Ted. If Texas is going to continuously ignore sound good advice from federal regulators and come crawling to the rest of us for socialized hand outs, I say F*** them and you get what you deserve.

But as always, you got democrats bending over backwards to keep them white folk happy, who will never ever give them a vote or thanks.

Flyin' Lyin' Cruz didn't win by that big a margin so obviously a large portion of Texans voted against him, but I do agree that anyone stupid enough to keep voting Republi-con deserves to reap what they have sown and I take no pity on them.
Hello Cinnabar,

This is how these so-called representatives who on the payroll of big oil have duped the constituency.

True federalism is the politics of the left, a strong centralized government.

"The Federalist Society" is improperly named, and should be called "The Confederalist Oligarchy," meaning the power of the States exceeds that of the federal government.
It gets even worse, they are still mandating that no federal agency can tell them how to run their power grids, still going on social media bragging about this shttt.....while holding their damn hands out waiting on billions from the feds and lets not forget the billions the insurance industry will pass on to all of us with their claims. How in the hell do we keep allowing this madness from a state that keeps getting pounded ever other season from weather catastrophe's?????? Its time we demand they either get with the rest of the nation or fend for yourselves going forward....Texas like most southern states take in more welfare than they pay in federal taxes and its not right
They haven't duped their constituencies, they're duping hard working Americans; who abide by federal regulations, who pay their fair share of taxes and who aren't running around the country whining about big government, but expect BIG Government to run feet first with a blank effin check, every time they and the people they serve, ie politicians fuck up. If anybody should be footing the damn bill/bailout to Texans, it should be BIG OIL!!
I think its amusing that supposed adults who post on politics boards think "socialism" means helping suffering people.......

From the federal government it is, according to Texas teabaggers themselves.

“Texans would be without electricity for longer than three days to keep the federal government out of their business,”

“Try not to let whatever the crisis of the day is take your eye off of having a resilient grid that keeps America safe personally, economically, and strategically.”

Rick Perry
From the federal government it is, according to Texas teabaggers themselves.

“Texans would be without electricity for longer than three days to keep the federal government out of their business,”

“Try not to let whatever the crisis of the day is take your eye off of having a resilient grid that keeps America safe personally, economically, and strategically.”

Rick Perry
