Smoking weed as a parent


on indefiniate mod break
Are there any parents here that smoke weed that would like to volunteer their philosophy?
Or any people that aren't parents but still have an opinion on the matter?

Did you/would you stop smoking weed when you had/have kids?

Or do you still find time now and then?

What age would your kids need to be before you started again if you stopped?

I am thinking that if I were to ever have kids, I might have to quit weed for a while. If you knock back a joint you could be sky high and super stoned, and I am not sure if that's good around young children. It's not like having a beer or two while still being able to function.

On the other hand, some people can get stoned and be perfectly functional.

Even if you put the kids to bed and you have a joint to close out the day, you never know if they are gonna need you at any point in the night for whatever bullshit whinny kid reasons, and you might not want to be always stoned around your kids.

So basically, kids are obviously fun ruiners, and I am just wondering how that all works.
Well, first you have to have sex...

Then, a pregnancy might happen...

Then you have to post pictures of the ultra sounds on your facebook page with the words "baby's first picture" scrawled over the incomprehesible little tadpole and act as if no one had ever thought of doing anything so utterly adorable before you!

Then you have to force your friends to go to the hellhole known as "babies r us!" and spend money they could be buying weed or Steve Madden shoes with on a diaper genie.

So there is a lot to do before a baby comes Grind, better get started on number one and then get back to me!
My 1st wife and I smoked when the kids were little. I think it is better than drinking. We always waited until they were in bed asleep. But hell, all the fun stuff waits till then anyway.
My 1st wife and I smoked when the kids were little. I think it is better than drinking. We always waited until they were in bed asleep. But hell, all the fun stuff waits till then anyway.
Same here, helping with homework while blazed is counter productive
Weed is less harmfull than beer!
Would you quit beer because of parenting?

yes I know it's less harmful than beer, but smoking a joint has a more powerful effect than having a solitary drink here and there. You can drink and not get drunk or even buzzed, but if you smoke weed you are probably going to get stoned. For the beer analogy to work it would be like, would you want to be drunk around your kids?
yes I know it's less harmful than beer, but smoking a joint has a more powerful effect than having a solitary drink here and there. You can drink and not get drunk or even buzzed, but if you smoke weed you are probably going to get stoned. For the beer analogy to work it would be like, would you want to be drunk around your kids?
Reefer madness 2.0
A joint to a smoker is equivalent to a beer
I have been drunk and stoned around my kids.
Reefer madness 2.0
A joint to a smoker is equivalent to a beer
I have been drunk and stoned around my kids.

It's not a perfect analogy, obviously being drunk is worse than being stoned. I don't know if I would say a joint is equal to one beer though.

Although, to be fair I have always taken major tolerance breaks (not on purpose -_-), which usually sucks but the plus side is I always get to enjoy soaring. In 2009 I made an 1/8th last a whole year O_O
1/8 last me 1/3 week
But I bartended for ten years and would be shitfaced on 3 beers.
No tolerance for booze
Can play 3 hours of tennis on blast furnace heat after smoking a fat one.
Well, first you have to have sex...

Then, a pregnancy might happen...

Then you have to post pictures of the ultra sounds on your facebook page with the words "baby's first picture" scrawled over the incomprehesible little tadpole and act as if no one had ever thought of doing anything so utterly adorable before you!

Then you have to force your friends to go to the hellhole known as "babies r us!" and spend money they could be buying weed or Steve Madden shoes with on a diaper genie.

So there is a lot to do before a baby comes Grind, better get started on number one and then get back to me!
LOL Man you can be a cold assed bitch Darla! LOL

I was going to say "Dude......when you have a kid when it's cool to smoke some weed is probably not something you're goin to be worried about."...but your way was way better. LOL
My 1st wife and I smoked when the kids were little. I think it is better than drinking. We always waited until they were in bed asleep. But hell, all the fun stuff waits till then anyway.

Why would you wait until they are in bed and asleep? Did you also wait until they were in bed and asleep to drink alcohol?
It's interesting to compare weed today vs back in the 70's. back then sinsi was hard to come by. if you could find it, it was usually Kona gold or Maui Wowie. Those were indicus strains and they would couch lock you like today's sinsi. Back then most of the shit was low end Mexican shit a that had gone to seed. Smoking one joint was like drinking about three or four beers. Most of the better purveyors sold Columbian gold or Columbian red bud. Both were sativa strans, usually gone to seed. Not as potent as sinsi but way better than Mexican schwag. It had a more psychedelic buzz than today's indica strains. I could get ripped on that and go to school or work and perform but I can't do that on today's indicus strains.
It's interesting to compare weed today vs back in the 70's. back then sinsi was hard to come by. if you could find it, it was usually Kona gold or Maui Wowie. Those were indicus strains and they would couch lock you like today's sinsi. Back then most of the shit was low end Mexican shit a that had gone to seed. Smoking one joint was like drinking about three or four beers. Most of the better purveyors sold Columbian gold or Columbian red bud. Both were sativa strans, usually gone to seed. Not as potent as sinsi but way better than Mexican schwag. It had a more psychedelic buzz than today's indica strains. I could get ripped on that and go to school or work and perform but I can't do that on today's indicus strains.
Word to your mother
Now after giving me a 70 's flashback
Let me upgrade your cannabis education from high school to college
Sensi is not a strain
Semi means seedless
Couch lock is from indica strains
Whereas sativa strains are more lets go party buzz