Slandering the Nazis.


New member
There has been a LOT that has been done to discredit the Nazis. Such as turning jewish internment camps into what are basically movie sets to make them look like "death camps." Along with this, there have also been a lot of Nazi atrocity photographs that have been faked. I will show you some of them.
FP 1.jpg FP 2.jpg
fake photo 9.jpg fake photo 10.jpg
Faked Nazi Atrocity photo.jpg
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Buried in a pit with thousands at what you call a Internment Camp.
What the world calls Death Camps

You're getting close. But this thread has nothing to do with ann frank or jewish internment camps. What it has to do with is the BS told about the Nazis. Backed up by faked photographs. Now if you want to talk about what you were talking about, you need to read and reply in my thread "The holocaust LIE!"
There has been a LOT that has been done to discredit the Nazis. Such as turning jewish internment camps into what are basically movie sets to make them look like "death camps." Along with this, there have also been a lot of Nazi atrocity photographs that have been faked. I will show you some of them.

Yeah, they were regular Mr Rogers, how many people were killed in WWII again?
Yeah, they were regular Mr Rogers, how many people were killed in WWII again?

Why don't you ask that in the thread I created for that topic. "The holocaust LIE!" Though on that point, I started another thread that should interest you. It is called, "Can you murder a murderer?"
From Amy Goodman's program...

I don't know if I told you this before. But there is a free ebook out there that should interest you. It is only about one hundred pages long. With quite a few pictures. So in that regard, it should be no problem for you. It is called "The Truth: Unforbidden!" Just enter the title into your browser. I would recommend the Fliphtml5 website.
But you're a Nazi,you have no credibility!

To hell with what I have. What do your own eyeballs have! LOOK at the pictures. You can see how they were altered. For a couple, if they weren't, do you have any idea how difficult it would be to reconstruct the backgrounds that wouldn't have been there "if" they were real? Then there is the one that looks like a Nazi hero pointing a rifle at a woman and child. Which was widely shown everywhere. But when you see the entire picture, you can see that he was actually pointing his rifle elsewhere.

Also, when it comes to credibility, there is a free documentary out there called "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Just enter the title into your browser. At the first website, click on it and scroll down the page. You will find all the various parts of that documentary. I would recommend starting out with part 21. Called "The Leuchter Findings." It is only about a half hour long. Watch it. See what a real Jew has to say.

I found the whole documentary to be overly long. In all, it is about 6 hours long. But in one of the part of it, (I don't remember which) They interview at least a couple different people who were actually inmates at some of those camps. You can see them tell the interviewer that conditions in the camps weren't as bad as is generally believed. (Though I would have to imagine that wasn't near the end of the war) People were allowed to watch movies, put on plays, form sports teams, and in Auschwitz at least, weather permissible, go swimming. Jews who worked in those camps were also paid. Which they could buy things with. Even if it was only fiat "camp money." In that regard, it probably wasn't a lot different from what was being done with some coal miners in the U.S. Where they were paid in "company script" that they could buy things from the company store that they needed.
Why don't you ask that in the thread I created for that topic. "The holocaust LIE!" Though on that point, I started another thread that should interest you. It is called, "Can you murder a murderer?"

Nah, I prefer not to waste my time with inanity
This was wonderful

Let's get those Nazi dogs:' How 70 years ago, enraged by the horrors they found at Dachau, liberating US troops took revenge by executing dozens of German guards

I suppose nobody told them that the reasons those jewish internment camps got to be so bad was because of the allies bombing the shit out of the Nazi infrastructure that maintained those camps. So all the horrors they found, THEY CAUSED! There's nothing quite so evil as for person "A" to take out revenge on person "B" for conditions persons "A" created. During and after the war, the allies did some other pretty evil shit. You would flippeth the fucketh outeth if I told you about them. They were so bad, you probably wouldn't believe them. Just as you don't seem to believe anything else I said or showed. And as I would expect, looking them up for yourself would be highly unlikely.