SIAP: More Weiner photos?




Guys do stuff, I get that. But you lose your seat in Congress and want to run for Mayor yet you send out more pics of your junk under the alias Carlos Danger? What the hell is this guy thinking?

Anthony Weiner admits to more lewd photos

I think the guy's got a problem. He's an addict or something. I really wouldn't care, but I have to admit, I became enraged when I saw that he had dragged his wife out to stand next to him again. You know if you shame yourself, you shouldn't drag your wife out there to shield you. I wish he would just go away.
yeah its sex addiction when you stick you dick in a bathroom stall hole too.

No matter what your "STANCE" may be
did weiner make the people PAY for his cell phone ?

Its likely cheaper than a trip to south America
did weiner make the people PAY for his cell phone ?

Its likely cheaper than a trip to south America

I know, but I couldn't vote for him Desh. I just don't look forward to four years of this woman being humiliated. I understand mistakes happen, but he did it twice, and he made her come out there with him both times. He isn't even man enough to protect her from the fallout of his own disgusting behavior. He should drop out IMO.
Desh I wasn't making a partisan post however I'll apologize for posting about a Democrat. I'm sorry.