APP - Shutdown and my county


New member
My county is now looking at furloughs for all employees, at least one day a week; and at firing a bunch, which will close our library and our parks and rec.

We get $800,000 to $1 million a month from TOT from tourists visiting the park; the shutdown is seriously hurting us.

They need to pass the clean funding bill.
I agree. I want the polarization of my country to stop. I say we fight to the death.

Huh? you really think what the republicans are doing will REDUCE polarization?

I guess maybe it will because everyone will become Demcrats... in the meantime, a lot of people are suffering. Guess you don't care if people lose their houses and go hungry, just so you can destroy the govt
I guess Obama doesn't, either.

OT, The world is laughing at us. Just another reason Americans are past their prime.
I guess Obama doesn't, either.

He will sign a clean funding the bill the moment the House passes what the Senate already has.

It's the tea party republicans that are holding it up, as is very obvious to everyone who isn't a tea party sheep.
He will sign a clean funding the bill the moment the House passes what the Senate already has.

It's the tea party republicans that are holding it up, as is very obvious to everyone who isn't a tea party sheep.
i think it is really clear evidence of what a weak SOTH Boehner is. My guess is that eventually the Repubs will cave and that will be the end of Boehner as SOTH.