Should there be a special forum for our foreign guests?

Big Money

New member
In keeping with the noble tradition of American generosity for all, should JPP have a special forum where our foreign guests posts and threads can be read?
In keeping with the noble tradition of American generosity for all, should JPP have a special forum where our foreign guests posts and threads can be read?

Does this forum come under American dictatorship? Going to drop bombs on 'foreigners' are we? How - unless you access your HUGE spy system - will you know who they are?
Unlike weak Wales, conquered, subjugated and mocked for centuries by the English, we of the United States of America are able to detect and isolate foreign incursions at will.

The question is, do the "citizens" of JPP believe that you and your ilk deserve a "special place" in which to make your opinions known?
Unlike weak Wales, conquered, subjugated and mocked for centuries by the English, we of the United States of America are able to detect and isolate foreign incursions at will.

The question is, do the "citizens" of JPP believe that you and your ilk deserve a "special place" in which to make your opinions known?

Ooooooooooooooooooooooh, I am shaking in my shoes. There's exciting!
What a lot of footling turds you nutters are!
Jesus - imagine all those extremist nutters grunting and spitting at one another over the rot-gut in Lyncher's Landing! I wouldn't wish it on a Bush, or even an illiterate tea-bag!
Does this forum come under American dictatorship? Going to drop bombs on 'foreigners' are we? How - unless you access your HUGE spy system - will you know who they are?

Ummm we know your IPs. I mean if I wanted to I could use them to start sending you my amateur erotic fiction.
I dunno, Grind. Trolling foreigners, even trollish ones, is pretty easy. It may not take any creativity, and this kind of humour is pretty overdone by now, but I did laugh. At least 4/10 I'd say.

I dunno, Grind. Trolling foreigners, even trollish ones, is pretty easy. It may not take any creativity, and this kind of humour is pretty overdone by now, but I did laugh. At least 4/10 I'd say.


That's the spirit 3-D. Trolling of any quality is still trolling after all.
Grinds comment was funny though.