Shoot The N**ger’


Shoot The N**ger’ Writes Ex-Cop About Obama, Secret Service Pays a Visit


"Noooo. Actually (below that faintly written “To Mom” in the upper-left hand corner) is David Marsters, about 10 years before he became a police officer in Massachusetts. That was also about 30-odd years before he retired, and 45 years before he posted this on his Facebook page, above a picture of President Obama:

“Shoot the N***r.”

That not quite a lateral move from “To Mom.”

Obviously, just from his time in the military and police force, Marsters knows that the First Amendment doesn’t protect threats against the president. Or, he certainly did after the Sabattus, Maine police department reported it to the White House, and the Secret Service black-bagged his ass like he was Fidel Castro.

Okay, it didn’t quite happen that way, but you can bet the Secret Service didn’t offer Marsters French Roast while they grilled him on his history, whether or not he owned guns, the names of all his family members, and why he said it. Apparently, unaware that threatening the president is a low-level felony, Marsters himself had already answered that question in his Facebook thread:

“He is not a legal president,” Marsters wrote in response to one person who mentioned that this was not protected free speech. Of course, that was after Marsters asked the respondent if he was “a Democrat,” as though that had some bearing on whether or not Obama was a “legal president.”

According to Sabattus Town Manager, Andrew Gilmore:

“If these statements were indeed made by Mr. Marsters and that is proven during this investigation, I need to clearly state that I am deeply concerned, appalled and, frankly, dumbfounded as to why he or anyone would declare such a thing, let alone print it for the world to see.

“In three words, this statement incites violence to the level of murder, advocates for the assassination of a United States president and uses what is likely the most deplorable racial slur in American history.”

And it gets better…Marsters was sincerely planning a run for office in Sabattus, though he had yet to turn in the signatures required to get his name on the ballot.

Still think Donald Trump’s birther insanity is just a harmless freak show? I mean, if that young Rock Hudson hadn’t opened his mouth, we might have had not just another birther in office, but a public supporter of race-based assassination.

Oh, Rock…what would Mom say?

Well, fortunately, that didn’t happen because Marster’s Mom apparently taught him when it was time to shut his mouth unless it was to say “I’m Sorry.” Marsters told the seven cat ladies listening to WBZ NewsRadio 1030:

“I regret saying it. I didn’t mean anything by it to hurt anybody. I apologize to the whole nation.”

According to Marsters, he was just frustrated by the way the country’s being run, and went on Facebook to vent. And if his completely logical critique of parliamentary procedure happened to have come out, “Shoot the N**ger”…


Mama clearly wasn’t an English teacher."

LOLOLOL. Let that be a lesson to you, board racists and bigots. Say the n-word, at the wrong time and in the wrong place and get a visit from the Secret Service. I'll bet he won't be doing that again. LOLOLOL
This wasn't about using a word deemed politically incorrect, this was about making a direct threat to the commander-in-chief. You don't do that. You get jacked up for that. Men have been masted for less.

Honestly your fear of a word confounds me. Don't go around greeting friends with it, but its a word. Treat it like a cuss, not some anti-matter ray.
People, Poet is a victim who has nothing to do but hate whites, his hate is derived from living a life of homosexuality, while knowing deep down he is wrong, and should not hump other men, so he takes it out on the righteous people on this Board.
People, Poet is a victim who has nothing to do but hate whites, his hate is derived from living a life of homosexuality, while knowing deep down he is wrong, and should not hump other men, so he takes it out on the righteous people on this Board.

You do understand YOU are NOT one of the righteous on this board? I'd say what you are, but it would not be polite
I was raised Right Wing redneck.

I actually KNEW that Obama was going to be shot if he was voted into office. I guess today I don't even see it as a possibility since it hasn't happened yet. I guess he's not out of the woods yet.

My racist family all think he should be shot. I somehow broke the link and think that the pen is mightier than the sword. If Obama is wrong, prove it with words. Seems this break in the link is happening all over America. Probably because we were raised Christian.
I was raised Right Wing redneck.

I actually KNEW that Obama was going to be shot if he was voted into office. I guess today I don't even see it as a possibility since it hasn't happened yet. I guess he's not out of the woods yet.

My racist family all think he should be shot. I somehow broke the link and think that the pen is mightier than the sword. If Obama is wrong, prove it with words. Seems this break in the link is happening all over America. Probably because we were raised Christian.

I can explain why Obama hasn't been shot in two words: President Biden