Shit Got Real In Syria


Not that shit wasn't real before, but this, if true, is kind of next level shit:

(Reuters) - Syria's opposition accused government forces of gassing hundreds of people near Damascus on Wednesday after rockets released deadly fumes over rebel-held suburbs, killing men, women and children as they slept.

What would be the world's most lethal chemical weapons attack since the 1980s prompted an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council set for 1900 GMT. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was shocked.

But the divisions among major powers that have crippled international efforts to quell two and a half years of civil war were still evident, with Russia hastening to back up denials from the administration of President Bashar al-Assad by saying it looked like a rebel "provocation" to discredit him.
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This SO reeks of another false flag event. The timing is very strange as it directly coincides with UN chemical weapon inspectors visiting Damascus.
“Why would the Assad government, which has recently been retaking ground from the rebels, carry out a chemical attack while UN weapons inspectors are in their country?

I haven't watched th give and take in the land war lately, too busy watching Egypt.....who knows....I wonder if Assad is actually "re-taking?"
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This SO reeks of another false flag event. The timing is very strange as it directly coincides with UN chemical weapon inspectors visiting Damascus.
“Why would the Assad government, which has recently been retaking ground from the rebels, carry out a chemical attack while UN weapons inspectors are in their country?

I haven't watched th give and take in the land war lately, too busy watching Egypt.....who knows....I wonder if Assad is actually "re-taking?"
Some regions, but he's losing ground in others.
Well, Obama said that it was a "red line", but we know he doesn't have the guts to do anything.

Personally, I say let them kill each other. Less for us to have to later.
'Horrific' footage

The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen says many will ask why the government would want to use such weapons at a time when inspectors are in the country and the military has been doing well militarily in the area around Damascus.

Some will suspect that the footage has been fabricated, but the videos that have been emerged would be difficult to fake, he adds.

Prof Alexander Kekule, of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at Halle University in Germany, told the BBC that one of the videos - although of poor quality - was consistent with the aftermath of an attack with a chemical agent.

But he added that none of the patients showed typical signs of sarin or other organophosphorous nerve agents, or signs of blistering agents.

"It also cannot be totally excluded that the whole video is a political staging. In this case, however, it would be a very good one," he said.

"Taken together, the best guess is that this is an authentic video of the aftermath of an attack with some incapacitating chemical agent."

Both the rebels and government forces have accused each other of using chemical weapons during the conflict.

It has not been possible to independently verify the claims.

In July 2012, the Syrian government implicitly admitted what had long been suspected - that Syria had stocks of chemical weapons.

Experts believe the country has large undeclared stockpiles of mustard gas and sarin nerve agent.

Damascus said the weapons, stored and secured by the armed forces, would never be used "inside Syria", but could be used against an external attack
It's like the boy who cried WMD.

After you shout that bullshit enough and the world finds out that it isn't true .. you've lost all credibility to talk about the wolf.
This country of ours dumped white phosphorous on Fallughia.

that is chemical warfare.

How many of you refused to believe it happened?
Bush dropped WP on fallughia and then denied it for months until they were caught red handed.

Did it make you mad at the time?,_The_Hidden_Massacre

Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre is a documentary film by Sigfrido Ranucci and Maurizio Torrealta which first aired on Italy's RAI state television network on November 8, 2005. The film documents the use of weapons that the documentary asserts are chemical weapons, particularly the use of incendiary bombs, and alleges indiscriminate use of violence against civilians and children by military forces of the United States of America in the city of Fallujah in Iraq during the Fallujah Offensive of November 2004.

During military combat operations in Fallujah, Iraq, white phosphorus munitions were used by United States military forces as an incendiary weapon and as an obscurant. The United States denied allegations that white phosphorus was used as a weapon against civilians, stating that it was only used to target insurgents.

Seriously bitch. wiki?


Not only are you a dumb skank, you are a lazy one too
where is your outrage for what our country did under Bush?

why do you think people hate us?

Its shit like this