SFO plane crash

Basically, when an aircraft indicates it's having an emergency, we ask civil agencies if they require assistance. There's not much we can do except to help the Coast Guard locate it once it goes down. That said, we do gather as much Intel as possible about the nature of the incident, how and why it happened.
as of an hour ago


Sarah McBride and Alistair Barr 1 hour agoAsiana AirlinesSan FranciscoSan Francisco Bay

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  • 2013-07-07T035322Z_1_CBRE9660AT100_RTROPTP_2_USA-CRASH-ASIANA.JPG

  • 2013-07-07T035322Z_1_CBRE9660AT200_RTROPTP_2_USA-CRASH-ASIANA.JPG


By Sarah McBride and Alistair Barr
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 with 307 people on board crashed and burst into flames as it landed at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday after a flight from Seoul, killing two people and sending more than 180 to local hospitals.
Witnesses said the tail of the plane appeared to hit the approach area of the runway, which juts out into San Francisco Bay, as it came in for landing. The tail came off and the aircraft left a trail of debris before coming to rest beside the runway.
Pictures taken by survivors immediately after the crash showed passengers emerging from the wrecked plane and hurrying away. Thick smoke then billowed from the wreckage, and TV footage later showed the fuselage of the aircraft gutted and blackened by fire.
There was no immediate indication of the cause of the accident, and federal officials were traveling from Washington to investigate. One survivor said the pilot seemed to be trying to gain height just before crash.
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Asiana Airlines flight 214 burns on the runway at San Francisco Airport International Airport after …

Asiana Airlines said the flight, which had originated in Shanghai, had carried 291 passengers and 16 crew members. Most were Chinese, Korean and U.S. nationals.

I saw the video of the failed landing on CNN.com... It is an absolute miracle that there were only two fatalities.
I saw the video of the failed landing on CNN.com... It is an absolute miracle that there were only two fatalities.
the ILS for both the aircraft and the airport need adjustment to have let that aircraft approach the ground at that low a speed

the pilot's only choice was to apply maximum power to the aircraft and institute a go around maneuver, he had to make a quick decision and failed to do so
Why we like govt regulation -

As the nation breathes a sigh of relief for the many passengers of Asiana Airlines passengers on Flight 214 who escaped uninjured after their Boeing 777 crashed in San Francisco, aircraft safety experts are attributing the relatively small number of fatalities to government regulations adopted in the aftermath of past accidents.

In the past decade, the Federal Aviation Administration — the office responsible for overseeing all aspects of civil aviation — has instituted a series of aircraft safety standards that undoubtedly saved lives on Saturday, Peter Goelz, a former managing director of the National Transportation Safety Board, told ThinkProgress on Tuesday morning, pointing to new mandates for everything from seating to enhanced training of flight attendants. American regulations lead the world and are typically adopted by airlines in Europe and Japan, with only minor adjustments.

For instance, in 1988 airplanes began installing so-called 16 G passenger seats that stay in place “when subjected to stresses up to 16 times the force of gravity” after regulators discovered “that passengers might survive a crash were they not crushed to death when the seats tore loose from the floor.” Despite initial opposition from the airline industry, final regulations were implemented in June of 2009 and Goelz believes that the stronger chairs prevented passengers from being thrown throughout the cabin as the rear of the Flight 2014 slammed down on the ground, allowing individuals to evacuate in time.

“It’s hard for me to imagine that if the old 9 G standard would have been part of that airplane those seats would have behaved as well as they did,” Todd Curtis, an air safety analyst added.

A series of evolutionary changes to fire code requirements also protected passengers on the flight. FAA implemented reduced flammability and nontoxic gas emissions of interior components after an Air Canada accident in 1983 caused a fire in which the overwhelming majority of passengers died from toxic gas and smoke. It also instituted an enhanced burn-through rate standard to guarantee that the skin of the airplane and insulation resist fire for up to four minutes, allowing passengers more time to escape. Regulations require that airlines and flight attendants be able to evacuate a full passenger load with only half of the exits operating in under 90 seconds.

conservatives and businesses oppose such advances because they cost too much.

will senator reid finally get rid of the filibuster and the 60 vote super majority and let the senate get on with its work?

the repugs spent the majority of the first four years of obama's presidency filibustering any department head of any department that they did not want to function and are doing the same now

when will this nonsense stop
Apparently, the pilot was used to flying much lighter aircraft. He was accustomed to making his runway approach at slower speeds than than the larger model he was piloting into SF. He just fell out of the sky.

Well, I will be avoiding Asiana for the time being...