Sexual assault on college campuses a commonplace activity


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In spite of complaints by female and male students about the prevalence of sexual attacks by fellow students on college campuses, the administrations continue to pretend it is not a problem.

Among the women who have had the courage to file complaints about how sexual assault—rape—is being handled are at Swarthmore, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dartmouth, Yale and UC Berkeley. Actually only 5 percent of college women who have been raped report it to the police.

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I suppose those uppity females who demand an education are just asking to be raped... (for the clueless, that was a heavily ironic comment)

Doesn't matter whether it is university, military, business, govt, non profits - assault of women is overlooked, ignored, disparaged, and considered "not a problem" in our misogynist society. It's really frustrating.

The atheist groups are actually starting to address this - the sexism and harassment and assaulting of women on blogs and at conferences. It's raising a lot of nastiness from men, but the women are speaking out and standing firm and starting to call foul where it's deserved. It's messy, but at least they're addressing it.

Way too many places just bury it as not important.
Americans are becoming more and more violent and that is an obvious spin-off from it's wars and military involvement throughout the world. School shootings and violence in general are other indications. Rape is but one more act of violence.

Rome burnt. America is starting to burn.
Americans are becoming more and more violent and that is an obvious spin-off from it's wars and military involvement throughout the world. School shootings and violence in general are other indications. Rape is but one more act of violence.

Rome burnt. America is starting to burn.

Look at that, Monty is supporting the Rand Paul isolationist wing of the Republican Party. Who would have thunk it?
I suppose those uppity females who demand an education are just asking to be raped... (for the clueless, that was a heavily ironic comment)

Doesn't matter whether it is university, military, business, govt, non profits - assault of women is overlooked, ignored, disparaged, and considered "not a problem" in our misogynist society. It's really frustrating.

The atheist groups are actually starting to address this - the sexism and harassment and assaulting of women on blogs and at conferences. It's raising a lot of nastiness from men, but the women are speaking out and standing firm and starting to call foul where it's deserved. It's messy, but at least they're addressing it.

Way too many places just bury it as not important.

I was fascinated to see another article by the same author in the Examiner.

February 16, 2013
Feminists who are shutting off their girly side may find the result will be lonely years as the men who provided “one night stands” are not interested in making long-term commitments. It seems to be that they are looking for soft, feminine creatures that care about men and treat them with respect.

That is because, according to Suzanne Venker, author of “The Flip Side of Feminism

…the wave of the “sexual revolution” has wash away too much, that years of professors, journalists, writers and TV producers finding humor and barbed lessons in emasculating men to somehow “empower” women has been a detriment to society and relationships, men and women.
You can’t disempower one sex to empower another….It doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t matter how empowered, liberated or success women are, men and women need each other.

In an interview with WND, Venker said
Women lowered their standards. They did this by changing the way they approach sex. That’s the No. 1 biggest issue. They’ve lost any sort of reasonable modesty or holding high standards and having a lot self respect in terms of the way they carry themselves and dress and how quickly they have sex.

An article in the Conservative Black Chick, It’s Time for Women to Reject Feminism and Kiss Peter Pan Goodbye states that
Thanks to the feminist movement this rise of woman has emasculated men to “being deadbeats or players” and is well on its way to making traditional gender roles in relationships and marriages obsolete. Because women think they can do it all, men expect them to and this has turned many men into Peter Pans, who delay commitment, refuse to man up, and demand women go Dutch on dates.

For women who do not want to end up their lives alone, Venker’s new book, “How to Choose a Husband and Make Peace with Marriage” tells women that

The key to finding the right kind of guy…may be to become the right kind of gal.
I suppose those uppity females who demand an education are just asking to be raped... (for the clueless, that was a heavily ironic comment)

Doesn't matter whether it is university, military, business, govt, non profits - assault of women is overlooked, ignored, disparaged, and considered "not a problem" in our misogynist society. It's really frustrating.

The atheist groups are actually starting to address this - the sexism and harassment and assaulting of women on blogs and at conferences. It's raising a lot of nastiness from men, but the women are speaking out and standing firm and starting to call foul where it's deserved. It's messy, but at least they're addressing it.

Way too many places just bury it as not important.

I would be fascinated to know how they come by these statistics:

One in four college women are victims of rape or attempted rape.
One in seven college men are victims of sexual assault.
85% of rapes on campus are acquaintance rapes.
Only 5% of rapes are reported.

Maybe it is different in the UK but I asked both my sons if those figures had the ring of truth about them and they said that they sound grossly exaggerated.
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Look at that, Monty is supporting the Rand Paul isolationist wing of the Republican Party. Who would have thunk it?

Moving away from foreign intervention in other countries just happens to be one correct approach in Rand Paul's scattergun approach to gathering support. If he didn't try to appeal to baggers, racists, extremists, and other assorted crazies he would perhaps stand a chance.

Neither of the Pauls were ever principled men. They always tried to appeal to voters in the lowest sort of way by trolling for the fringes of many different political persuasions. Nothing to eve take seriously of course but there are still about 15% of voters who do. Angry people like a lot of the trash that frequent this forum.
Moving away from foreign intervention in other countries just happens to be one correct approach in Rand Paul's scattergun approach to gathering support. If he didn't try to appeal to baggers, racists, extremists, and other assorted crazies he would perhaps stand a chance.

Neither of the Pauls were ever principled men. They always tried to appeal to voters in the lowest sort of way by trolling for the fringes of many different political persuasions. Nothing to eve take seriously of course but there are still about 15% of voters who do. Angry people like a lot of the trash that frequent this forum.

Turns out that the 1 in 4 stat is definitely bogus.

My university recently hosted a forum on rape for female college students. They emphasized that rape is a serious issue on campus using statistics. Fact: 1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape. At least that is what women’s centers at colleges around the United States claim. That’s scary high. Too high. I was suspicious. I care quite a bit about a few college women. How much danger are they in? I decided to check out the figure.

Fortunately, it is bogus. The number comes from a study of sexual assault on campuses done by Mary Koss in 1985 for Ms. Magazine. I was born in 1985 and I’m a young graduate student. How can this study be relevant to today’s college students born in the 90’s? More notably, I found this interesting critique of the study by Christina Sommers of Clark University. She notes that the study asked students:
Have you had sexual intercourse when you didn’t want to because a man gave you alcohol or drugs?

An affirmative answer was counted as rape. In other words, a women who regretted a one night stand after a night of drinking was considered as having been sexually assaulted. The ambiguous nature of the questions and inclusive definition of rape is evident from the following statistics. Only 27 percent of the women Koss counted as having been raped identified themselves as rape victims. Moreover, 42 percent of labeled rape victims, went on to have sex with their attackers at a later date. Clearly, something is wrong. If we just consider women who considered themselves to be raped, the figure falls to a more believable 1/14.

Rape is an egregious wrong. I have no desire to minimize the seriousness of this evil. However, I don’t think women’s advocates advance their cause by using shoddy studies from the 1980’s to make rape seem more prevalent than it really is. We shouldn’t have to lie to young college women to frighten them into taking safety precautions. In fact, making rape seem ordinary is counterproductive. Evidence suggests that young people drink less when they realize that most students don’t binge drink. People adjust their behavior to conform to what they perceive as normal. If women think that 25 percent of their friends have been assaulted, they may be less likely to report it when it happens to them. Moreover, potential criminals may be encouraged. If 1/4 of college women are being raped, that means that a lot of rapists are roaming the streets free. Maybe it’s not that risky of a crime.

So why do journalists, activists, and women’s centers cling to the 1 in 4 figure? It catches your attention. It outrages you. It makes you want to do something. Such responses are good for circulation, donations, and support from the university. But they come at the cost. Sacrificing their credibility for more attention, these “advocates” inadvertently hurt students. That’s a tragedy in and of itself.
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Americans are becoming more and more violent and that is an obvious spin-off from it's wars and military involvement throughout the world. School shootings and violence in general are other indications. Rape is but one more act of violence.

Rome burnt. America is starting to burn.

You're Canadian, right? Turns out sexual violence against women isn't just an American issue. More at the link.

Violence against women is a worldwide problem. And yeah, Tom, your SONS say it's not that big a deal at their colleges? now that's real scientific -NOT.

51% of Canadian women report having experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of sixteen.
Almost 60% of these women were the targets of more than one such incident.(Statistics Canada, The Daily. (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, November 18, 1993.))
29% of women who have ever been married or lived in a common-law relationship have been physically or sexually assaulted by a partner during the relationship
21% were assaulted during pregnancy.(Karen Rodgers, “Wife Assault: The Findings of a National Survey”, Juristat, 14, 9 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 1994): 1, 4, 12.)
Four out of five female undergraduates surveyed at Canadian universities said they had been victims of violence in a dating relationship.
29% reported incidents of sexual assault. (W. DeKeseredy and K.Kelly, The Incidence and Prevalence of Woman Abuse in Canadian University and College Dating Relationships: Results from a National Survey, 1993.)
1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted.
Half of these assaults will be against women under 16 years of age. (Brickman & Briere, Winnipeg, 1984.)
I was fascinated to see another article by the same author in the Examiner.

February 16, 2013
Feminists who are shutting off their girly side may find the result will be lonely years as the men who provided “one night stands” are not interested in making long-term commitments. It seems to be that they are looking for soft, feminine creatures that care about men and treat them with respect.

That is because, according to Suzanne Venker, author of “The Flip Side of Feminism

…the wave of the “sexual revolution” has wash away too much, that years of professors, journalists, writers and TV producers finding humor and barbed lessons in emasculating men to somehow “empower” women has been a detriment to society and relationships, men and women.
You can’t disempower one sex to empower another….It doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t matter how empowered, liberated or success women are, men and women need each other.

In an interview with WND, Venker said
Women lowered their standards. They did this by changing the way they approach sex. That’s the No. 1 biggest issue. They’ve lost any sort of reasonable modesty or holding high standards and having a lot self respect in terms of the way they carry themselves and dress and how quickly they have sex.

An article in the Conservative Black Chick, It’s Time for Women to Reject Feminism and Kiss Peter Pan Goodbye states that
Thanks to the feminist movement this rise of woman has emasculated men to “being deadbeats or players” and is well on its way to making traditional gender roles in relationships and marriages obsolete. Because women think they can do it all, men expect them to and this has turned many men into Peter Pans, who delay commitment, refuse to man up, and demand women go Dutch on dates.

For women who do not want to end up their lives alone, Venker’s new book, “How to Choose a Husband and Make Peace with Marriage” tells women that

The key to finding the right kind of guy…may be to become the right kind of gal.

Author doesn't say she agrees with Venker. And Venker sounds like an idiot.

Feminism isn't about disempowering men. It's about empowering women AND men. Because of feminism, men can now stay home with their kids; that's a freedom they rarely had before. Because of feminism, men can enter occupations formerly considered "female" and not be scorned, such as teaching and nursing.

People who think feminist disempowers men are wrong. It just says they no longer get special privileges due to gender. Of course, I guess men who like special privleges find this threatening.
You're Canadian, right? Turns out sexual violence against women isn't just an American issue. More at the link.

Violence against women is a worldwide problem. And yeah, Tom, your SONS say it's not that big a deal at their colleges? now that's real scientific -NOT.

Yes, I'm Canadian, and sexual violence against women happens in all countries throughout the world. And now the question is, to what degree and how frequent in your country to make it so important that you louts are intent on waving it in the faces of your political opponents? An increasing problem in today's America I suspect and that is obviously tied in with the breakdown of society in general.

Look pal, if there was anybody on this forum who took seriously these kind of problems then it could be discussed with them. Unfortunately it appears that there is not and so all one can do is laugh at 'you' people as you advertise your country's increasing fuckups. Not with any intent whatsoever of addressing them in a proper perspective but to use as political folly and pointmaking for your respective sides.

Go right the fuck ahead and don't whine when I have some fun with you over it all.
You're Canadian, right? Turns out sexual violence against women isn't just an American issue. More at the link.

Violence against women is a worldwide problem. And yeah, Tom, your SONS say it's not that big a deal at their colleges? now that's real scientific -NOT.

That 1 in 4 figure has been exposed as bogus yet it is constantly used by lazy journalists and people with an agenda. Frankly asking my sons seems about as scientific as the way that stat was derived in the first place. I am a great believer in the truth and hate propaganda irrespective of its source.
Author doesn't say she agrees with Venker. And Venker sounds like an idiot.

Feminism isn't about disempowering men. It's about empowering women AND men. Because of feminism, men can now stay home with their kids; that's a freedom they rarely had before. Because of feminism, men can enter occupations formerly considered "female" and not be scorned, such as teaching and nursing.

People who think feminist disempowers men are wrong. It just says they no longer get special privileges due to gender. Of course, I guess men who like special privleges find this threatening.

Again I can't speak for the US but at UK primary schools many kids would be hard pressed to see a male role model as they are almost exclusively run by women these days. There are many reasons but the hysteria over child abuse is certainly a factor.
That 1 in 4 figure has been exposed as bogus yet it is constantly used by lazy journalists and people with an agenda. Frankly asking my sons seems about as scientific as the way that stat was derived in the first place. I am a great believer in the truth and hate propaganda irrespective of its source.

Regardless, there is no argument to be had anymore over whether or not American society is breaking down. It is and it's a far worse problem than it is in Canada. And they fucking well know it. They are advertising it for Krist sake!
Regardless, there is no argument to be had anymore over whether or not American society is breaking down. It is and it's a far worse problem than it is in Canada. And they fucking well know it. They are advertising it for Krist sake!

Like any country we have our ups and downs. At the moment Canada is doing pretty good; no active secessionist movement. But you'll have your ups and downs too, I'm sure.

I will say trying to get a discussion going on "is American society breaking down?" seems a bit broad to me.

In regards to this thread, sexual violence against women has happened for millenia in all kinds of societies. The fact that we're highlighting the issue is the first step in dealing with it; it's not "advertising our breakdown"; no idea what you mean by that.

Is sexual violence against women in America bad? yes. It's bad in Canada. It's bad in the UK. It's horrible in some countries in the Middle East, in India, etc. And in China they kill female babies. That's bad too.

So don't gloat because we're trying to address it.
Like any country we have our ups and downs. At the moment Canada is doing pretty good; no active secessionist movement. But you'll have your ups and downs too, I'm sure.

I will say trying to get a discussion going on "is American society breaking down?" seems a bit broad to me.

In regards to this thread, sexual violence against women has happened for millenia in all kinds of societies. The fact that we're highlighting the issue is the first step in dealing with it; it's not "advertising our breakdown"; no idea what you mean by that.

Is sexual violence against women in America bad? yes. It's bad in Canada. It's bad in the UK. It's horrible in some countries in the Middle East, in India, etc. And in China they kill female babies. That's bad too.

So don't gloat because we're trying to address it.

So do you think that 1 in 4 figure is accurate?

But if it's not, so what? Women are getting sexually assaulted on campus; it's a problem if it's 1 in 4 or 1 in 10, and it needs to be addressed.

Therein lies the problem, you seem to think it is fine to just make up statistics. I don't, it is just patent bullshit that 1 in 4 male students are rapists. How can you assess how bad a problem is if you don't have accurate statistics free from bias and massaging?