Senator-elect Jim Webb almost beats up Bu$h...


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At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia's newest senator tried to avoid President Bush. Democrat James Webb declined to stand in a presidential receiving line or to have his picture taken with the man he had often criticized on the stump this fall. But it wasn't long before Bush found him.

"How's your boy?" Bush asked, referring to Webb's son, a Marine serving in Iraq.

"I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President," Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.

"That's not what I asked you," Bush said. "How's your boy?"

"That's between me and my boy, Mr. President," Webb said coldly, ending the conversation on the State Floor of the East Wing of the White House [...]

Webb confessed that he was so angered by this that he was tempted to slug the commander-in-chief, reported the (white house) source, but of course didn’t. It’s safe to say, however, that Bush and Webb won’t be taking any overseas trips together anytime soon.
I'd be personally pissed at Bush for putting my son in GD war zone for no reason.
I think Bush was being kind. Webb should have shown him some respect. Something like, "My boy is fine, thanks for asking. Id like to get those boys home!"
I'd be personally pissed at Bush for putting my son in GD war zone for no reason.

Let's see:

1) Webb got his ass shot at in Vietnam, while Junior Bush sat at home running his mouth about supporting the war, but getting Daddy to set up a way to keep him out of it.

2) Bush send's Webb's kid into the middle of a civil war in a hostile, foreign land, with no strategy to succeed.

3) Bush destroy's the Repbublican Party that Webb used to love and belong to....

I'd say Webb should be pissed.
I think Bush was being kind. Webb should have shown him some respect. Something like, "My boy is fine, thanks for asking. Id like to get those boys home!"
Which is what I would have done were I Webb. But heck, many people are starting to get me to think that the Parties have become their own little religion, even talking across lines to people you disagree with must be met with disgust and a near-religious anger...

If Webb had punched him, would it be Sectarian Violence or would it be Civil War?
I have learned to be polite to people I am pissed at. I am good at it when it gets me what I want.

A senator should be expected to treat others with respect, even if he disagrees with the guys policies. That or dont accept the invitation to the White House. If you cant be polite to the Host, you should not attend the function!
Does not another nation deserve respect as well ?
Or just fellow politicos in our own nation deserve professional courtesy ?
See, I don't see it as professional courtesy. I think there is too damned much professional courtesy going on. I guess I am in the minority on that, but that's how I feel.

This is not a game. I get sick when I see a couple of pundits sitting around talking war, WAR, and they debate and they end up laughing with each other. Well you know what? It's not funny. Once you're dead, you're dead. You don't get to live. You'll never have a family. You'll never fall in love. You'll never do any damned thing.

This war is a mortal sin, and there is nothing funny about it, and I don't see why Webb has to "be nice" to bush. He obviously takes this war seriously. Maybe bush ought to try doing that. Someone should punch him in his stupid face. But that wouldn't bring anyone back, or stop the dying. Still, there is no need to play the DC game. I don't know much about Webb, but maybe he is so passionate about this war that he can't stomach being nice to bush. That makes him human, in my book.
Truly, if I had lost a child in this goddamned war, and I saw that video at that press roast of that moron, looking under his desk for WMD's and laughing his ass off over it, while those other morons in the press, who also have no one they love over there, laughing along with him, I would have killed him. I don't understand why no one has yet. Once you lose a child, what else is there to lose?

If you ask me, that mf is lucky to be alive.
See, I don't see it as professional courtesy. I think there is too damned much professional courtesy going on. I guess I am in the minority on that, but that's how I feel.

This is not a game. I get sick when I see a couple of pundits sitting around talking war, WAR, and they debate and they end up laughing with each other. Well you know what? It's not funny. Once you're dead, you're dead. You don't get to live. You'll never have a family. You'll never fall in love. You'll never do any damned thing.

This war is a mortal sin, and there is nothing funny about it, and I don't see why Webb has to "be nice" to bush. He obviously takes this war seriously. Maybe bush ought to try doing that. Someone should punch him in his stupid face. But that wouldn't bring anyone back, or stop the dying. Still, there is no need to play the DC game. I don't know much about Webb, but maybe he is so passionate about this war that he can't stomach being nice to bush. That makes him human, in my book.

That is the idealist viewpoint Darla, which I fully agree with, however there is the nasty reality of the political game. And that is pretty much what it is. An entire system of deal making, compromises, kickbacks of various types, cronyism, pandering to lobbyists so you will get a cushy job after you leave politics, etc. And after the end of the day many political oppents socialize with eatch other, after all it is just a competetive game / profession they play/work at like any job....
Very sad but true. I would personally like to see political parties of over 1, 000 members banished.

My comment line used to be "idealistic realist".

I still feel the same, but realize that it is a pipe dream, but just keep chipping in what I can so that one day it might be the way it should be. I guess that is just another pipe dream though when basic human nature is figured in...
Once you lose a child, what else is there to lose?
Life does go on Darla , even after this...It takes a long painful pause though....