Senate gym is open too - what Tekky didn't tell you

Big Money

New member
The gym for members of the U.S. Senate is also still open.

ya, I noticed you CHANGED the thread enough balls to post what it was??

freaking douchebag.
other Vbulletin formats don't let you change the thread title -this must be an older version.

You stepped over any line of decency, if I were a MOD I'd have banned your ass -i'm not -you got away with it.

Congratulations, you're a lucky asshole, but still an asshole

Ignored, no rule was broken. Also, the users don't have the ability to change a thread name. Likely that was another mod. I personally would have left it so everyone can see how Legion acts, but whatever.
Ignored, no rule was broken. Also, the users don't have the ability to change a thread name. Likely that was another mod. I personally would have left it so everyone can see how Legion acts, but whatever.
Do you want me to post the thread name that "can't be changed?" 'Cause it WAS, and I stopped dropping LSD 30 years ago.. no more hallucinations..

Then tell me if a rule was broken, or if having MODS is even worth the effort.

I "get it" if you didn't "see it", my bad for not being more specific on the report.
I didn't see the original title, but someone - months ago - said the thread title can be changed by the initial poster if no one else has posted yet.

And mods are barely worth the effort here, although at least they banned 007 and DamnYankee. But took ages of nastiness for that to happen.
I didn't see the original title, but someone - months ago - said the thread title can be changed by the initial poster if no one else has posted yet.

And mods are barely worth the effort here, although at least they banned 007 and DamnYankee. But took ages of nastiness for that to happen.
forget it.

Billy (?) had the best idea, just leave it up there. Ya. I noticed I could change a thread title too - this was after another poster replied also.

Not worth continuing, to beat the dead horse - time to use the "ignore" function one more time.
Do you want me to post the thread name that "can't be changed?" 'Cause it WAS, and I stopped dropping LSD 30 years ago.. no more hallucinations..

Then tell me if a rule was broken, or if having MODS is even worth the effort.

I "get it" if you didn't "see it", my bad for not being more specific on the report.

I saw it, and like I said, it was probably another mod that changed it. Legion, however, did not change it. As for whether a rule was broken or not, no, it wasn't. Calling someone a cunt isn't against the rules. I wouldn't suggest for a user to start throwing it around, but it won't get you banned. That's what ignore lists are for.
I didn't see the original title, but someone - months ago - said the thread title can be changed by the initial poster if no one else has posted yet.

And mods are barely worth the effort here, although at least they banned 007 and DamnYankee. But took ages of nastiness for that to happen.

Their 'nastiness' had nothing to do with their bannings. If it did, Desh would have been gone years ago, along with several other posters (and possibly myself).
I saw it, and like I said, it was probably another mod that changed it. Legion, however, did not change it. As for whether a rule was broken or not, no, it wasn't. Calling someone a cunt isn't against the rules. I wouldn't suggest for a user to start throwing it around, but it won't get you banned. That's what ignore lists are for.
alright. It's a bit much on a thread title, not in the thread posts.... you do know a user can change a thread title?,,,,but I already said that.. lol..
alright. It's a bit much on a thread title, not in the thread posts.... you do know a user can change a thread title?,,,,but I already said that.. lol..

I'm unaware of how, but I've been a mod for a while. If so then I apologize, as I am in error.
Why do I have a feeling this coward saw the thread title and is now claiming "error" because he is bias?

"He didn't do anything wrong!" "Of course, I was in error"

Uhhh I did see the thread title dipshit, I said as much. I also said it's not against the rules, you stupid horse fucking asshole. I know you have a hard time with that concept because you have a habit of reporting shit that isn't against the rules, and for whatever reason refuse to read them. I can't help it that you're too retarded to read a few paragraphs. That's GODS fault.