Sebelius: Obamacare Navigators Don't Need Criminal Background Checks



"So I want to ask you about the navigators," said Senator John Cornyn at a hearing today on Capitol Hill. "The president is in Dallas, Texas today, touting the navigator program, which, as you know, are people who are hired to help people navigate the Affordable Care Act. But I would just like to ask you this question, if you would answer it: Isn't it true that there is no federal requirement for navigators to undergo a criminal background check, even though they will receive personal -- sensitive personal -- information from the individuals they help to sign-up for the Affordable Care Act?"

"That is true," said Sebelius. "States could add an additional background checks and other features, but it is not part of the federal requirement"

"So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual unbeknownst to them?"

"That is possible," said Sebelius.
