Science research yields prize

Big Money

New member

A team of researchers who found that people think they are more attractive when drinking alcohol have scooped a prize for their work.
yeah women who think are ugly huh you bag dragging moron.

If you are not going to fuck someone then what the hell do you care what they look like?

get it scumossa?

Its not a fucking beauty contest.

if it was then how many of your ugly white boys would you be able to get elected?
If competence is the quality people want in their leaders, the Dems are still in trouble.

If competence is the quality people want in their leaders, this entire country is in trouble. The GOP is not exactly awash in quality leadership.

But the OP is simply a rehash of some old pics that have been posted before. Some people seem to think being pretty, or at least cute, should matter in a leader.
in his cement brain women are not supposed to have expressions.

they are supposed to look good and suck dick on command.

keep their faces stone so they cant have pictures of them taken like this.

He wants a women to have NO emotions and keep the same frozen expression so he can get his little dick hard enough to last over a minute.

His blow up doll has always complied so why cant real women do the same.

Un fuck you very much op

go back to you plastic dream girl and leave us real women out of your fantasys
If competence is the quality people want in their leaders, this entire country is in trouble. Some people seem to think being pretty, or at least cute, should matter in a leader.

Who said anything about "leaders" in the OP?

Read the article referenced in the OP and get back to me.
It's your loss.

I kinda doubt it. Regardless of the point of the article, the fact that bad pictures of 9 influential women (most of whom are in positions of leadership, and all but one are famously democrats) are attached to an article that talks about attractiveness makes a very clear point.
I kinda doubt it. Regardless of the point of the article, the fact that bad pictures of 9 influential women (most of whom are in positions of leadership, and all but one are famously democrats) are attached to an article that talks about attractiveness makes a very clear point.

You'll never know, unless you read the article.
maybe his point is women should be killed before they reach a certain age because he has no respect for the female of our species
The hate the right has to muster to fuel their idiocy knows no bounds.

the party of hate.

and they wonder why their party is dying.

they love the taste of tar
Actually, as I stated before, it is blatantly obvious. But I will see. Now it becomes very clear. The pics in the OP were not from the article. You must have added them. So the ignorance is not the author's, but yours.

LOL, what "ignorance"? Did I misstate anything? Besides, I figured a 'Bama fan would appreciate pictures.
yeah women who think are ugly huh you bag dragging moron.

If you are not going to fuck someone then what the hell do you care what they look like?

get it scumossa?

Its not a fucking beauty contest.

if it was then how many of your ugly white boys would you be able to get elected?

Don't be so upset all the time, you Barbie challenged vagina.
in his cement brain women are not supposed to have expressions.

they are supposed to look good and suck dick on command.

keep their faces stone so they cant have pictures of them taken like this.

He wants a women to have NO emotions and keep the same frozen expression so he can get his little dick hard enough to last over a minute.

His blow up doll has always complied so why cant real women do the same.

Un fuck you very much op

go back to you plastic dream girl and leave us real women out of your fantasys

So that's why you married your blow up doll and called it your husband.
Sure explains a lot.