school girl dies after getting sick at school (no nurse)



A 12-year-old girl got sick late last month while she was at her Philadelphia school — a school without a full-time nurse. She died later that day. Here’s a piece on what happened to Laporshia Massey from the website of the nonprofit Parents United for Public Education in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia school district has been in a state of crisis for years in large part because of under-funding by the state. Drastic budget cuts this year led to what was referred to as a “grim new normal” that included the closure of two dozens schools, layoffs of more than 3,800 personnel and other cuts that left some schools without money for paper and new books.

Here’s the post from Parents United:

Our hearts are breaking over the death of beautiful 12 year old Bryant Elementary student Laporshia Massey, who died following an asthma attack that apparently started at school. We grieve for her entire family and the Bryant community.

According to the City Paper, Laporshia became ill during the school day. No nurse was scheduled. Laporshia called a family member, telling her repeatedly, “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” A staff person drove the sixth grader home.
School girls die after getting droned - no peace:


A 12-year-old girl got sick late last month while she was at her Philadelphia school — a school without a full-time nurse. She died later that day. Here’s a piece on what happened to Laporshia Massey from the website of the nonprofit Parents United for Public Education in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia school district has been in a state of crisis for years in large part because of under-funding by the state. Drastic budget cuts this year led to what was referred to as a “grim new normal” that included the closure of two dozens schools, layoffs of more than 3,800 personnel and other cuts that left some schools without money for paper and new books.

Here’s the post from Parents United:

Our hearts are breaking over the death of beautiful 12 year old Bryant Elementary student Laporshia Massey, who died following an asthma attack that apparently started at school. We grieve for her entire family and the Bryant community.

According to the City Paper, Laporshia became ill during the school day. No nurse was scheduled. Laporshia called a family member, telling her repeatedly, “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” A staff person drove the sixth grader home.

And America sinks a little lower because of extreme rightist greed and callousness.

That's as bad as Canada's death panels where we purposely kill our grannies!
"A staff person drove her home?" A kid that kept saying she couldnt breathe? You take her to the ER.

That person should be fired and arrested for child endangerment.
"A staff person drove her home?" A kid that kept saying she couldnt breathe? You take her to the ER.

That person should be fired and arrested for child endangerment.

Sanest post yet....

but I like that sig....""Freedom doesn't mean safe, it means free."

So simple an yet so many don't grasp its powerful message....
Remind me, isn't Philadelphias' mayor a Democrat?

How come he didn't save the girl, since government is apparently responsible for every facet of life?
That may not save someone if the have a really bad attack.
yes; but she went home and got the medication from her father -

see link.

She was on meds -why not have them with her.
Laporshia became ill during the school day. No nurse was scheduled. Laporshia called a family member, telling her repeatedly, “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” A staff person drove the sixth grader home.

Seeing his daughter’s state when she arrived home at about 3:15 p.m., [father Daniel] Burch says, he immediately gave her medication and then rushed her to the hospital. She collapsed in the car, at which point Burch flagged down a passing ambulance in the middle of traffic. Burch says his daughter later died at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which could not confirm any details, including the time of her arrival, due to privacy constraints.
It was bush's fault all you got was a GED

Get hit in the face with a Canadian ShitPie and don't even know it.....even thank the guy for dumb can you get and still remember to breath.....
You're the Ali of idiots, the Greatest.
Get hit in the face with a Canadian ShitPie and don't even know it.....even thank the guy for dumb can you get and still remember to breath.....
You're the Ali of idiots, the Greatest.
I don't care that you liked man ass in the navy!
To each his own