Scalia says Satan is 'a real person'


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Satan is a real person, Indeed!!!
Scalia's one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet and a sanctimonious jerk. I can't think of any justice I've despised more than him.
Scalia's one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet and a sanctimonious jerk. I can't think of any justice I've despised more than him.

I share you view completely even though I disagree with Christie, I think hes the most overrated governor in the US and a lieing pos
It got me!!! I even assumed "male" as a fan of the gov of NJ

If I had thought of dear Agatha, I would have gone in the opposite direction!

I started reading her books when I was 10 and finished when I was in my 20s, and she fooled me 90% of the time. They're great study aids in teaching how to look for details and uncode language!
you'd better do the sleigh ride first.....I doubt you'll have a chance after....

Sorry, not buying the devil. There is evil, but it is physical, like you and I. The supernatural lost it's hold on me eighteen years ago and I have never looked back, never regretted it.
Sorry, not buying the devil. There is evil, but it is physical, like you and I. The supernatural lost it's hold on me eighteen years ago and I have never looked back, never regretted it.

Just say, "I',m an atheist"...its less to type.
Sorry, not buying the devil. There is evil, but it is physical, like you and I. The supernatural lost it's hold on me eighteen years ago and I have never looked back, never regretted it.
trying to think it through,,,your's is the closest idea to mine. "The devil made me do it" /we do it ourselves.
Not believing in the Judeo Christian mythos doesn't make one an atheist.

Nature is a creator, the laws of physics is god.

Its not about Jew or Christian myths or beliefs....

Hey, rationalize it anyway you your tricycle god for all I care....
Re-writing the accepted definitions of 'god' and 'atheist' don't change reality.

The supernatural lost it's hold on you ?'re you're an atheist.....don't be ashamed to say it. You sound like a fool
trying to have it both ways....the truth will set you free.