Russia's Putin Calls John Kerry a Liar on Syria


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Speaking to his human rights council, Putin recalled watching a congressional debate where Kerry was asked about al-Qaida. Putin said he had denied that it was operating in Syria, even though he was aware of the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group.

Putin said: "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad."

It was unclear exactly what Putin was referencing, but Kerry was asked Tuesday while testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if the Syrian opposition had become more infiltrated by al-Qaida.

Kerry responded that that was "basically incorrect" and that the opposition has "increasingly become more defined by its moderation."

When asked if a strike would make al-Nusra and other extremist forces stronger, Kerry responded, "No, I don't believe you do (make them stronger). As a matter of fact, I think you actually make the opposition stronger. And the opposition is getting stronger by the day now."

In testimony Wednesday, Kerry said that he didn't agree that "a majority (of the opposition) are al- Qaida and the bad guys." Extremists amount to 15 to 25 percent of the opposition, he said, including al-Nusra and many other groups that are "fighting each other, even now."

I can't see anyway to predict if the non AQ affiliated jihadists, or the jihadists affiliated with AQ would get stronger.

It's unknowable, a lot of fudging by Kerry, and mis-statements by Putin - perhaps lost in translation, but wrong
Putin can and will call anyone a liar if he feels like it, but in this case, IMHO, Kerry is pulling a Colin Powel, and it only took him about 10 minutes to be come a traitor.
Putin can and will call anyone a liar if he feels like it, but in this case, IMHO, Kerry is pulling a Colin Powel, and it only took him about 10 minutes to be come a traitor.
well said, his loyalty is obsequeious -the other day saying we had to act (last Fri speech) now, then Obama dithers, then Kerry says "we'll be stronger because we waited ...."
-he's a fine lap dog.

Thing is I used to hold him in high regard for his testimony during Vietnam - i recall those days. Another sell out.
well said, his loyalty is obsequeious -the other day saying we had to act (last Fri speech) now, then Obama dithers, then Kerry says "we'll be stronger because we waited ...."
-he's a fine lap dog.

Thing is I used to hold him in high regard for his testimony during Vietnam - i recall those days. Another sell out.

Exactly. Thankyou.
Any chance we could NOT start a new thread about Syria every time there's a headline? Any chance we can include them in an already started thread?

Just asking.
Speaking to his human rights council, Putin recalled watching a congressional debate where Kerry was asked about al-Qaida. Putin said he had denied that it was operating in Syria, even though he was aware of the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group.

Putin said: "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad."

It was unclear exactly what Putin was referencing, but Kerry was asked Tuesday while testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if the Syrian opposition had become more infiltrated by al-Qaida.

Kerry responded that that was "basically incorrect" and that the opposition has "increasingly become more defined by its moderation."

When asked if a strike would make al-Nusra and other extremist forces stronger, Kerry responded, "No, I don't believe you do (make them stronger). As a matter of fact, I think you actually make the opposition stronger. And the opposition is getting stronger by the day now."

In testimony Wednesday, Kerry said that he didn't agree that "a majority (of the opposition) are al- Qaida and the bad guys." Extremists amount to 15 to 25 percent of the opposition, he said, including al-Nusra and many other groups that are "fighting each other, even now."

I can't see anyway to predict if the non AQ affiliated jihadists, or the jihadists affiliated with AQ would get stronger.

It's unknowable, a lot of fudging by Kerry, and mis-statements by Putin - perhaps lost in translation, but wrong

I'll invite anyone and everyone to look into the amount of money Kerry gets from Corporate Military Gun Manufacturers in campaign donations.....................................................
Putin is full of it, and Russia is playing games with its veto pen for the foreseeable future. I don't see why one needs to deny the chemical weapons being used in order to oppose intervention. Just oppose US involvement and be truthful. I personally don't care about the Syrian people.
A couple of people here tried to float the "he's the new new hitler" play last week, but I notice it closed due to poor reviews. Believe it or not, it was two libs!
I'm more concerned with our 10,000 gun nut murders annually!
The Muslim on Muslim killing is not stopping regardless of what we do.
A couple of people here tried to float the "he's the new new hitler" play last week, but I notice it closed due to poor reviews. Believe it or not, it was two libs!

Nope that was not what I said.

I said we as a world decided after the horrors of the first War that chemical weapons were not acceptable.

then came hitler and the American people were so tired of war already they didn't want to enguage in war.

No matte how much we didn't want a war we ended up having to fight one huh?

we couldn't wish away the war and ended up doing what we had to do huh?

you cant wish away the need for action