Rush Limbaugh's Role In Government Shutdown


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While the Republicans are busy trying to blame Ohama for the government shut down it turns out there is more than enough blame to go around on the right side of the aisle. From the Koch Brothers, who now deny their corporations role in the whole fiasco, even though no one said Koch Industries was responsible, to the mastermind of the last government shut down as well, the drug addled talk show host with the cockular implants and the demented constant desk pounding and cigar smoking so-called leader of the teabaggers Rush himself everybody had a had in this bullshit. So I guess blaming Obama is really just misdirection and distraction. He is standing firm and the Republicans are wearing the shame and losing their touch with the reality of the vast majority of American voters. This is all fine with me as long as they are spending their political capital on this kind of shit they will be booted in the next election and Darla's prediction of Pelosi's return will be proven accurate.

How Rush Limbaugh Shaped The GOP's Shutdown Woes

7 in 10 Americans think Republicans put political goals ahead of our country's welfare. This is what happens when you have a political party that revels in a culture of ideological rigidity, and Rush Limbaugh has been there to encourage and influence them the whole way. Why else would Ted Cruz run to Limbaugh's show right after his 21-hour fake filibuster to defund Obamacare?

Nearly two weeks after House Republicans forced a government shutdown, less than a quarter of the country has a positive view of the Republican Party. Seven in ten Americans think the Republicans are putting their political goals ahead of the welfare of the country. The GOP has collapsed in the generic congressional preference, while approval ratings for President Obama and the Affordable Care Act -- the reason government was shut down in the first place -- have gone up. The Republicans sit fractious and rudderless in an historic nadir with no strategy to pull themselves out.

But you wouldn't think that were you to tune into Rush Limbaugh's radio program. On October 10, Limbaugh told his listeners that he had supported the "defund" Obamacare scheme that precipitated the shutdown because its architect, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), could "articulate conservatism." And thus even if the effort didn't actually lead to the defunding of Obamacare, Limbaugh said, it might still be "considered successful even if they don't reach that specific goal." Meanwhile, according to Rush, House Speaker John Boehner was "getting ready to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" by forestalling a government default and proposing a six-week increase to the debt limit.

That's a neat little encapsulation of why the Republicans are in this mess. The current GOP doldrums are the product of years of political isolation and insulation enabled by a cheerleading conservative media that rewards ideological rigidity and reflexive partisan gainsaying. And for that, conservatives have Rush Limbaugh to thank.
While the Republicans are busy trying to blame Ohama for the government shut down it turns out there is more than enough blame to go around on the right side of the aisle. From the Koch Brothers, who now deny their corporations role in the whole fiasco, even though no one said Koch Industries was responsible, to the mastermind of the last government shut down as well, the drug addled talk show host with the cockular implants and the demented constant desk pounding and cigar smoking so-called leader of the teabaggers Rush himself everybody had a had in this bullshit. So I guess blaming Obama is really just misdirection and distraction. He is standing firm and the Republicans are wearing the shame and losing their touch with the reality of the vast majority of American voters. This is all fine with me as long as they are spending their political capital on this kind of shit they will be booted in the next election and Darla's prediction of Pelosi's return will be proven accurate.

How Rush Limbaugh Shaped The GOP's Shutdown Woes

7 in 10 Americans think Republicans put political goals ahead of our country's welfare. This is what happens when you have a political party that revels in a culture of ideological rigidity, and Rush Limbaugh has been there to encourage and influence them the whole way. Why else would Ted Cruz run to Limbaugh's show right after his 21-hour fake filibuster to defund Obamacare?

Nearly two weeks after House Republicans forced a government shutdown, less than a quarter of the country has a positive view of the Republican Party. Seven in ten Americans think the Republicans are putting their political goals ahead of the welfare of the country. The GOP has collapsed in the generic congressional preference, while approval ratings for President Obama and the Affordable Care Act -- the reason government was shut down in the first place -- have gone up. The Republicans sit fractious and rudderless in an historic nadir with no strategy to pull themselves out.

But you wouldn't think that were you to tune into Rush Limbaugh's radio program. On October 10, Limbaugh told his listeners that he had supported the "defund" Obamacare scheme that precipitated the shutdown because its architect, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), could "articulate conservatism." And thus even if the effort didn't actually lead to the defunding of Obamacare, Limbaugh said, it might still be "considered successful even if they don't reach that specific goal." Meanwhile, according to Rush, House Speaker John Boehner was "getting ready to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" by forestalling a government default and proposing a six-week increase to the debt limit.

That's a neat little encapsulation of why the Republicans are in this mess. The current GOP doldrums are the product of years of political isolation and insulation enabled by a cheerleading conservative media that rewards ideological rigidity and reflexive partisan gainsaying. And for that, conservatives have Rush Limbaugh to thank.

Rush should have been sent packing when his drug use was uncovered, simply because of the things he preached on his show about drug use and the horribly, awful, terrible people who use them.