Rule 12

cancel2 2022

I can't help wondering how anybody can illustrate a suspected violation of rule 12 by repeating the obscene comments on here, how unhinged is that? Zappa was banned for a day for being annoying yet "she who must be obeyed" is being pandered to, if she doesn't like it why can't she just ignore ILA. As we are told endlessly there is a proper way to report rule infringements but apparently it doesn't apply to the Noo Yawk Nutter.
FINALLY someone willing to call Grind's little temper tantrum what it was.

quoting things aren't usually a bannable offense tom. In fact, I don't think we have ever done it. Often times someone will say something against rule 12, and another will quote it, and say "that's out of line/that's inappropriate/that's uncalled for/that's against the rules/I am reporting this post" etc.

Now, we do prefer people not quote things over and over, because it just makes things all that much more difficult to manage to delete, and we may miss something.

Also a lot of the things darla quoted aren't really explicitly even against rule 12 (hence her problem to begin with). It's a big grey area that we have never really dealt with. Zero people have ever been banned from this site for the type of things ILA has been saying, so it stands to reason that quoting the very things that ILA himself isn't being banned for is more or less a very small infraction (if at all). It certainly isn't worthy starting a thread over.

Lastly, damo did in fact close darlas thread and even basically said not to keep doing it. So I really don't know what your issue is.
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Also bonus points to zappas for agreeing with tom, about a post criticizing darla/asking why darla isn't banned/repudiated, even though zappas is likely on darla's side, in which she made a post criticizing ILA, who zappas hates, all because tom is indirectly going after the mods.

Zappas how can I make you feel better? Should I ban darla for 30 days for saying something you agree with about someone you both mutually hate? Is that what you want?
quoting things aren't usually a bannable offense tom. In fact, I don't think we have ever done it. Often times someone will say something against rule 12, and another will quote it, and say "that's out of line/that's inappropriate/that's uncalled for/that's against the rules/I am reporting this post" etc.

Now, we do prefer people not quote things over and over, because it just makes things all that much more difficult to manage to delete, and we may miss something.

Also a lot of the things darla quoted aren't really explicitly even against rule 12 (hence her problem to begin with). It's a big grey area that we have never really dealt with. Zero people have ever been banned from this site for the type of things ILA has been saying, so it stands to reason that quoting the very things that ILA himself isn't being banned for is more or less a very small infraction (if at all). It certainly isn't worthy starting a thread over.

Lastly, damo did in fact close darlas thread and even basically said not to keep doing it. So I really don't know what your issue is.

My issue is that she should have reported it in the accepted manner rather than her usual way of having an enormous conniption and spazzing out all over the board. I think ILA is being a pillock but he won't stop so if he is that bloody annoying then ignore him.
It is so easy to make the case for a multitude of rule 12 violations by ILA. There is no grey area in more than enough cases that he should be summarily banned.
It is so easy to make the case for a multitude of rule 12 violations by ILA. There is no grey area in more than enough cases that he should be summarily banned.

Oh if you guys want to play that way, I can play that game. But it won't just be ILA. Desh, Topspin, Mott....anyone who says anything slightly sexual (like ASSHOLE) will be BANNED. I'll skip work to comb through posts, hour after hour, making sure I enforce the rule ruthlessly.
My issue is that she should have reported it in the usual usual way rather than her usual way of having an enormous conniption and shouting all over the board.

I think the main point of her post was to call out ILA for all the things he was saying. She did make a brief mention that something he said might be against the rules, but that wasn't the main point of her post. It was more of an open plea to have the rules changed/have those type of things disallowed/statement how that stuff shouldn't be tolerated or accepted

There would be nothing for her to really report because most of it isn't against the rules.

To suggest someone making a post talking about the offensive things someone else has said is somehow bad/wrong/rule breaking, well that just may be the most retarded thing I have ever heard. These type of posts happen every single day on JPP. All the time. All over the place.

It's not any different than the thousands of other threads that have been started where someone goes: "I can't believe X said Y"
I think the main point of her post was to call out ILA for all the things he was saying. She did make a brief mention that something he said might be against the rules, but that wasn't the main point of her post. It was more of an open plea to have the rules changed/have those type of things disallowed/statement how that stuff shouldn't be tolerated or accepted

There would be nothing for her to really report because most of it isn't against the rules.

To suggest someone making a post talking about the offensive things someone else has said is somehow bad/wrong/rule breaking, well that just may be the most retarded thing I have ever heard. These type of posts happen every single day on JPP. All the time. All over the place.

It's not any different than the thousands of other threads that have been started where someone goes: "I can't believe X said Y"

You don't find it even the least bit anal that someone would gather up a loads of posts that she says offend her and then put them together for all to see?
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You don't find even the least bit anal that someone would gather up a loads of posts that she says offend her and then put them together for all to see?

no retard, she's making a case against ILA and why she thinks he is a problem poster.

She's calling somebody out, which is what people do on this forum every day.

I would go so far as to call it a complete non-issue.
no retard, she's making a case against ILA and why she thinks he is a problem poster.

She's calling somebody out, which is what people do on this forum every day.

I would go so far as to call it a complete non-issue.

Yes well you have amply demonstrated in the past how partisan you are when it comes to all matters concerning her, so no surprise there. Funny how you never issued the standard advice to use ignore and stop whinging that you give to others.
My issue is that she should have reported it in the accepted manner rather than her usual way of having an enormous conniption and spazzing out all over the board. I think ILA is being a pillock but he won't stop so if he is that bloody annoying then ignore him.

Ahhhh yes, but we all know what the MODS do if you report something and you're not on their buddy list.

As you stated get banned for being annoying.