Rudy Flops


Will work for Scooby snacks
You'd think after Poppy Bush's blunder back in 1992, presidential candiates would memorize the price of milk, and bread.

Rudy Flops At Numerous Campaign Appearances... Clueless On The Price Of Milk And Bread

when asked about more mundane matters _ like the price of some basic staples Giuliani had trouble with a reporter's question.

"A gallon of milk is probably about a $1.50, a loaf of bread about a $1.25, $1.30," he said.
You'd think after Poppy Bush's blunder back in 1992, presidential candiates would memorize the price of milk, and bread.

Rudy Flops At Numerous Campaign Appearances... Clueless On The Price Of Milk And Bread

when asked about more mundane matters _ like the price of some basic staples Giuliani had trouble with a reporter's question.

"A gallon of milk is probably about a $1.50, a loaf of bread about a $1.25, $1.30," he said.

What amazes me about this is not that he doesn't know the prices of bread and milk. Like I would really believe that any of these politicians do their own shopping. It's that, as you mention, Bush Sr got into trouble for this same thing. These guys don't learn. And then we make one of them President.
Exactly. It doesn't matter if Rudy does his own shopping or not.

Polticians have to be prepared to answer this question. This is a big oversight. After what happened to Poppy. It take 5 seconds to memorize a few consumer items to memory.

Do you think Rudy is really serious about being prez?
Exactly. It doesn't matter if Rudy does his own shopping or not.

Polticians have to be prepared to answer this question. This is a big oversight. After what happened to Poppy. It take 5 seconds to memorize a few consumer items to memory.

Do you think Rudy is really serious about being prez?

I don't know. After watching him "run" for Senator here, it's hard to say. He never really did seem serious about that, and then he dropped out because of prostate cancer. Supposedly. I can imagine him deciding to drop out of the running, if things get really rough for him, which I think that they will.
I don't know. After watching him "run" for Senator here, it's hard to say. He never really did seem serious about that, and then he dropped out because of prostate cancer. Supposedly. I can imagine him deciding to drop out of the running, if things get really rough for him, which I think that they will.

He just did not want to get stomped by Senator Clinton.

That's hilarious. There's nothing easier in the country than taking on Hillary Clinton. My little brother could run against her and win.
The Republicans are "drawing dead", as we say in the poker world.

There is no longer a responsible conservative party available, and after waging this war with impunity since the decision was made, the cries that the Dems are fucking it up won't work.

To be sure, the Dems won't handle it all that differently, and I'll be impressed if they do. But the blood is on the R's hands at this point, and this will be the lion's share of the political capital that gets the next president elected. Unfortunately, whomever wins the D primaries is our next CIC. We have had thought police now for quite some time, insofar as you can't get elected unless you have the blessing of one of the duopolistic parties.

That's hilarious. There's nothing easier in the country than taking on Hillary Clinton. My little brother could run against her and win.
Maybe but then again maybe not.

Hillary supposedly has no chance to win. She's way too conservative for my tastes and many of us undulating over here on the left wingtip have been blowing raspberries at her campaign since before it began. Meanwhile, the lice inhabiting the right wing seem to hate her with a passion unmatched since Christ. She's got no core constituency, right? No one to get really excited about her campaign and do all of the legwork, nez pas?

Conventional wisdom. Funny thing about conventional wisdom, though: it frequently turns out to be dung of idiot male bovine.

Don't count Hillary out. She's very, very smart. She also has an exceedingly well honed set of political surgical instruments at her disposal.
If she gets smart enough to pick up a strong border as part of her campaign she's going to win hands down.
I don't know. After watching him "run" for Senator here, it's hard to say. He never really did seem serious about that, and then he dropped out because of prostate cancer. Supposedly. I can imagine him deciding to drop out of the running, if things get really rough for him, which I think that they will.

He just did not want to get stomped by Senator Clinton.


That's hilarious. There's nothing easier in the country than taking on Hillary Clinton. My little brother could run against her and win.

Nice gravedig.

Hell......wait'll the Election's over.

Feel FREE to add to the Teabaggers' Hall Of Pre-Election Psychic-Predictions!!!!!!!!!&p=1700654#post1700654

They've developed a bad habit of forgetting things they've the past....and, everyone knows how big of fans, they are....of DOCUMENTED statements!!


You'd think after Poppy Bush's blunder back in 1992, presidential candiates would memorize the price of milk, and bread.

Rudy Flops At Numerous Campaign Appearances... Clueless On The Price Of Milk And Bread

when asked about more mundane matters _ like the price of some basic staples Giuliani had trouble with a reporter's question.

"A gallon of milk is probably about a $1.50, a loaf of bread about a $1.25, $1.30," he said.

He also got eaten alive by Chris Mathews on the birther issue